On page 1082 of the hot toys 1989 Batmobile thread, there's a picture of a guy with multiple 89 Batmobiles loaded up on his car, must've been him........
On page 1082 of the hot toys 1989 Batmobile thread, there's a picture of a guy with multiple 89 Batmobiles loaded up on his car, must've been him........
Got my Jaxon drape cape. It?s awesome. Any futzing advice? Those who have the cape, will ironing out any small creases damage the cape?
How much did you pay for that custom cape? I?m looking to get one.
My original cape already started to deteriorate, has this ever happen to anyone on the forum?
Thanks for the info Cicada. I will reach him about prices.
No problemo. Heads up: I ordered a Batman Begins cape from him at the end of June, and it took him a month to ship. Not sure why it took so long (maybe the pandemic), but expect a wait.
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My cape took 2-3 weeks to make, then a week in shipping. Maybe he had a big workload till he got to yours?
So......moving my display and Batman took a tumble. soooooooo bummed
Broke the peg in his left boot. Any geniuses wizards on here know how to remove and replace the broken peg stuck in his boot? just cannot see how to get at it without destroying his boot.
Awesome pic Auel!!!
Finally got this figure for a decent price! Can't wait to get him next to my DX08!
Still need a DX 09 for my collection if someone is selling him [emoji1431]
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I would hold off, there's a good chance it will get reissued/re-released in the future with him returning as Batman and the Flash movie.