Congrats to all the new owners!
Just got mine from timcent, regular version no taxes and arrives quite fast!
Now its a beautiful figure, the accessories are great and those hs are beautiful. Seriously the Best 1/6 Arnold sculpts so far.
Now im not as overwelmed by it as i tought i would be, maybe because i already own EB bd 1/4 so this version of the character is known to me. I already had a few mms117 dx10 parts around so i was able to build the two versions already and the semi bd is my favorite so far ( its missing the damaged torso because its on a ttm20 might get a dx13 if i can later down the road).
Now i got two nitpick, first im surprised how the boot are clean, my mms117 boots look better, definitly Will swap them.
Second i really dont like the whole silhouette, he feels too normal not bulky enough. And that is with the original bd body or the ttm20. He looks like a normal dude, of course near another regular sized figure he looks big, might be because of the Neck.... Dunno...
From what ive read before it looks closer to arnolds actual size in the movie but for my taste its too skinny ^^!
Lucky for me i have some mms17 bodies left im gonna try that and see if i like it better
Enjoy your new figures guys
Édit: well no joy with the mms17 bodies because of the girafe Neck syndrome also ne with all his gear the dx13 looks better