Hot Toys - DX13 - T2: T-800 (Battle-Damaged Version) 1/6-scale Collectible Figure

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i bought it. long ago. and lots of DX10 even longer ago. no need for all of them now. and no way to sell from this country. so they just ****ed up the figure and my collection.

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Flash, No Flash; Grainy or High-Res; I think it's impossible to make this figure look bad. HT's finally created their best Arnie sculpt yet.
Mine just turned up from timcent awesome packaging 10 stars to that guy I'll post pics do I resize pics as I post straight from my phone
Congrats to all the new owners!
Just got mine from timcent, regular version no taxes and arrives quite fast!

Now its a beautiful figure, the accessories are great and those hs are beautiful. Seriously the Best 1/6 Arnold sculpts so far.
Now im not as overwelmed by it as i tought i would be, maybe because i already own EB bd 1/4 so this version of the character is known to me. I already had a few mms117 dx10 parts around so i was able to build the two versions already and the semi bd is my favorite so far ( its missing the damaged torso because its on a ttm20 might get a dx13 if i can later down the road).

Now i got two nitpick, first im surprised how the boot are clean, my mms117 boots look better, definitly Will swap them.

Second i really dont like the whole silhouette, he feels too normal not bulky enough. And that is with the original bd body or the ttm20. He looks like a normal dude, of course near another regular sized figure he looks big, might be because of the Neck.... Dunno...
From what ive read before it looks closer to arnolds actual size in the movie but for my taste its too skinny ^^!

Lucky for me i have some mms17 bodies left im gonna try that and see if i like it better :)

Enjoy your new figures guys :)

Édit: well no joy with the mms17 bodies because of the girafe Neck syndrome also ne with all his gear the dx13 looks better :)
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Regarding putting the head on the DX10, I was just saying that the ball on mine was too big for the neck connector. I'm not sure if other people aren't having the same problem, or if they are removing the DX10 neck connector before putting the DX13 head on, which I'm sure would work just fine. I'm going to try again tonight.

Anyone want to confirm how they get the head on the DX10 body?
The contrast of the T-1000 beside the figure and against the black backdrop is phenomenal. So glad I have another on order because it truly is worthy owning two. This figure truly is amazingly iconic.


Funny strange how Hot Toys got it so wrong. MMS117? clothes should be on the DX10 and DX10 clothes on the MMS117. The MMS117 boots should be on the DX13. Everything is all balanced out.

Yet it's disappointing if you only had to own one because then everything would look wrong. Of course you don't really notice it until you have them all side by side. Thats when you see how maculate and weathered the parts are.

Edit: upon checking, the DX13 are the cleanest. They should be on the MMS117. The DX10 boots are perfect on it's own release.
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I wonder if anyone has the 12" Neca version to compare aside. :lol

I do... I did but I though it in the garbage after the in hand pics came out:lol

JK I will take a couple of shots when I get mine of the two, but that won't be till Tuesday:impatient:

Its been a nice place holder while I waited for the dx13, but after it arrives the neca will be going into storage:wave
Yeah I forgot to mention the boots but I noticed that straight away, virtually no weathering on them whatsoever, like they just totally forgot. There's almost a bluey hue on mine. Haven't bothered to swap them yet but I will, or maybe I'll scratch them up a bit or something.

Some great shots posted. Though I have to say the lack of chrome on the endoparts is bugging me more and more. I sense thats going to be my major beef with this figure. There's always gotta be something hasn't there.
Yeah I forgot to mention the boots but I noticed that straight away, virtually no weathering on them whatsoever, like they just totally forgot. There's almost a bluey hue on mine. Haven't bothered to swap them yet but I will, or maybe I'll scratch them up a bit or something.

Some great shots posted. Though I have to say the lack of chrome on the endoparts is bugging me more and more. I sense thats going to be my major beef with this figure. There's always gotta be something hasn't there.

Mine is fine on the partial head, but the full BD head is pretty bronze looking.

Anyone else have a few of their tiny silver fasteners pop off the BD jacket? Three of mine fell off, rescued two, the other now lives under my floorboards. It comforts me to know it's down there, out of reach, but still in my possession.

Funny strange how Hot Toys got it so wrong. MMS117? clothes should be on the DX10 and DX10 clothes on the MMS117. The MMS117 boots should be on the DX13. Everything is all balanced out.

Yet it's disappointing if you only had to own one because then everything would look wrong. Of course you don't really notice it until you have them all side by side. Thats when you see how maculate and weathered the parts are.

Edit: upon checking, the DX13 are the cleanest. They should be on the MMS117. The DX10 boots are perfect on it's own release.

Haven't put them all side by side, yet, very interesting.
Regarding putting the head on the DX10, I was just saying that the ball on mine was too big for the neck connector. I'm not sure if other people aren't having the same problem, or if they are removing the DX10 neck connector before putting the DX13 head on, which I'm sure would work just fine. I'm going to try again tonight.

Anyone want to confirm how they get the head on the DX10 body?

Just do it like you didn't know it doesn't fit, pops right on, pretty sure it's the same mold?
Hey guys, I just wanted to say something about movie accuracy.

I just watched the movie and I noticed that when the T-800 lost him arm, you could easily see Arnie tuck his own arm behind his back causing a really obvious bulge...

The fact that the figure looks so Fword good missing an arm is actually considered not movie accurate.

Also the bandolier really rotates a lot through the film

Just some useless fodder