The posing abilities of some you guys never ceases to amaze me. Fantastic shot there of the two terminators![]()
the hard part about posing a fig for general display is finding something that looks good from more than one angle
If you're a fan of pop culture and action figures, can you do much better than high-end 1/6?
I dunno actually. Might take some major digging. In fact I have a feeling I had them on my ex's laptop and never transferred them, gone forever quite possibly.
Yeah. Some figures need a neckless sculpt like Indy but when its not needed then it should be vetoed. I know your extreme distaste for it but the neckless sculpt/ attached neck body looks no worse than it does on a Soldier Story figures. Its atrocious. They exclusively use their necked body for all releases. Its a real pity because first off Soldier Story is a top rate military figure company. Realistic sculpt and great paint, excellent tailoring, and they probably make the best weapons out of all 1/6 companies imo. And the real zinger is the necked bodies are 100% unnecessary. They're military figures, so they're loaded down with layers of clothes and weapons etc and you never see the neckline. Thats almost all their figures. Its irritating to have that hideous seam at the head. And for whenever reason its worse on their figures than others.I find DX10 particularly awkward in that regard. The interplay between the head and neck on that figure can look really unnatural. You might get one great angle but look at it from a different angle and it'll be terrible.
That's unfortunate about the magnet. Some really fantastic pics you've taken with that camera.
Great pics Pete, but that's a bummer about the hs.
That's unfortunate about the magnet. Some really fantastic pics you've taken with that camera.Love the closeup on this one.
Did you use superglue on the loose magnet Pete? Best bet might be to go after the other magnet with the HT cheap glue and pry it out. Then reglue it the correct way.