he really, REALLY is. The detail on his weapons, the effort put into his webgear, the fantastic sword, all of it. my ONLY complaints with the figure, now that i've got him in hand, is his knee pads, and north face jacket. i don't care much for his knee pads as part of pants. which was easy enough to fix. picked up an extra set of cobra trooper knee pads, put them on him, done.
The jacked, i swapped out with an Extra ACI swat sweater fro m my bits box.
Now don't get me wrong, i do like Hot toys snake eyes, and i MIGHT get one eventually. but aside from his swords, i don't really see anything that puts him over the sideshow offering.
for that matter, i'd say that like most everything hot toys makes these days, he's about 30-35$ overpriced.
if you CAN, get a sideshow snake eyes, look at it in person.
Hell, BUY ONE from SSC, and check it out. if you don't like it, just send it back.