OT Preferist
Looks really good, not 100% accurate, but definitely closer than the Aliens warrior.
Has anyone taken some good pics of this guy from SDCC yet??
Photos I took today:
much better, but still comix skull-masturbating and crazy smile.
make this or don't make anything. i've seen all variable crap before. make it like this was or don't make anything.
or produce another stupid figure to extend somebody's collection of not-aliens.
p.s. f* the brown color. if HT were so interested in making an "exact copy", they would do an exact copy. all their brown color goes from their "hot toys 1/4 alien bust", i think.
p.p.s. almost perfect body on HT photos, except color. fingers may be fixed, but overall seems cool. previous attempts of other producers seem a lot more schematic.
so why the hell is it so difficult to make an alien head? i don't understand.
Well, now I'm quite disappointed with this figure. The arm sockets look terrible along with so many other things. I may have to wait to see in hand pics on this one to see if HT makes any of the changes so many have requested.
Kill it with fire.
In fact, it's probably worth linking to Sabre's thred on the Hive again to see what Hot Toys should have been aiming for:,6750.0.html