If you mean "definitive" for you as your favorite looking Spider-Man that's great. But if you mean THE "definitive" look for Spider-Man as being the closest we've gotten to his classic look in the comics, then I'd have to disagree.. The closest to Spider-Man's iconic comic look is still the ASM2 suit. Those movies were awful, but at least we got a great looking Spidey. The new Homecoming figure is better, but the suit is still a bit of a weighs off from the comics.
The Homecoming suit has grown on me. With just a few tweaks I think it may have been my favorite as well. If it didn't have the unnecessary thick black lines all over it would've been near perfect. I could live with the thin lines in the blue parts, but those thick black lines still throw it off for me. Curious if it's gonna change much in Spider-Man 2 as I'm sure the Iron Spider suit is gonna mainly just be showcased in Avengers IW & Avengers 4.