Hot Toys - Iron Man 2:Mark IV Limited Edition spec

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Stark to Wolverine:

"Want a donut?"


"No bub, but would you happen to have a good movie script on you?"


"Um, I guess you didn't see my last movie did ya, Fav isn't even coming back for the 3rd one, catch my drift."


"Yeah, least you had ScarJo's boobs, all I had was a lame ass Deadpool and Gambit"


"Ok, suit yourself, just means one more yummy chocolate donut for me."


"Wait, you never said it was chocolate, i'll trade you a Mark 1 for it!"
My ebay seller said that alot of the Mark IV's had problems, hence why he hasn't received his stock yet. Does anyone know of any of these problems. I haven't seen many problems reported on here as of yet?
My ebay seller said that alot of the Mark IV's had problems, hence why he hasn't received his stock yet. Does anyone know of any of these problems. I haven't seen many problems reported on here as of yet?

Sounds like a lie to me. I haven't heard of any problems and mine is perfect. Why not cancel your order and order from someone who has him now.

Did he give an ETA on the MKIV?

I'm normally very patient for these types of things but I've literally been having dreams about this guy:cuckoo: I had to buy Berserker Pred to tie me over 2 days ago...

His original ETA was the week before Christmas anyway so given this time of year there are delays anyway.

And thats why you never "preorder" on eBay. :slap

Pre-ordered both Berserker and Royce from him and no problems. Royce shipped weeks earlier than expected.
I haven't actually heard anyone here complain about a problem, just say that the reason there figure was delayed is because the person shipping it is claiming problems and delays. Pretty sure its just dealers who don't want to lose there preorder customers to people who already have it in stock. :dunno

If thats the case, I wouldn't deal with that kinda person, its dishonest. I ordered mine from Toys2 and had it 3 days later, over the border and during the christmas rush.
Anyone seen the price of the lighted stand on ebay ...bidding is higher than £31/$49.

I was wanting one for symmetry's sake - Mk4 and War Machine at left and right with Black Widow in between at the back.

Looks like I have to sort out something else now. May have to have both on the dull and basic black stands.
Can anyone that's put together a stark bash with the Mk IV Tony head confirm that the Tony neck is compatible with a standard TT and an advanced head, please :pray:
I have read several times on this thread about problems but no one has said what the problems were.

Only problems I've heard is to be very careful with the calf air brake flaps as the hinges can break off if too much force is applied, as seen on YT videos already. Supposed to be even more delicate than the previous flaps, new hinge system being used.

But that goes with any HT :lol
The original "there are problems" came from OMG at the very start. I dont remember him saying anything else after that but I consider him a pretty good source. After that from time to time I hear it again.

So what your saying is I can't throw him across the room to simulate flying? What the hell Hot Toys! "For what I pay for these things...blah blah blah" :lol:rotfl
There's no way around it, when you shrink something to 1/6 it's normal size, especially complex mechanics, and maintain some level of accuracy… ****'s gunna be delicate.
Has anyone tried putting the new stark head on there older mark three to create the donut shop look with shades ? If I know it looks good I will get this colectible.
Has anyone tried putting the new stark head on there older mark three to create the donut shop look with shades ? If I know it looks good I will get this colectible.

Why would this be neccessary? Just use the whole Mark IV.

There's no way around it, when you shrink something to 1/6 it's normal size, especially complex mechanics, and maintain some level of accuracy… ____'s gunna be delicate.

Excellent post. No more needs to be said.
