Hot Toys - Iron Man 2:Mark IV Limited Edition spec

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Man, really loving this figure! It's great how it brings a bit of colour onto the shelf as well :lol

True, but in fairness, you do have a drab colored bunch there. Nice collection, though.
hi guys!i know this is a popular figure but there seems to be a big hole of nothingness where this figure is concerned if i want to grab one,even war machine is still available so is it true that a delay has happened to batch 2 which would explain its absence or have i missed the boat entirely because i dont normally,just xmas deleting funds from my worn out credit card caused this,damn you santa claus:thud: mark VI it is otherwise.
hi guys!i know this is a popular figure but there seems to be a big hole of nothingness where this figure is concerned if i want to grab one,even war machine is still available so is it true that a delay has happened to batch 2 which would explain its absence or have i missed the boat entirely because i dont normally,just xmas deleting funds from my worn out credit card caused this,damn you santa claus:thud: mark VI it is otherwise.

They can still be had. Corner Store Comics still has one. And War Machine is pretty much everywhere still.
There is still more to be had, Toys2 just got a second batch right before Christmas, sideshow I don't think has even got these in, don't worry, I really can't wait for the mk6! I wanted it yesterday, but I am more than happy with my mk4, so happy unfavy, I have 2 more on the way, haha
I stood the tony neck next to the tt advanced african american neck and it IS a tad shorter. I think it should fit just fine on an advanced neck adapter though.

Here's my custom Stark though. I think the head looks great on it!

which body is this the mech test version?
without reading back through all the posts, has anyone heard when corner store comics will get these in/ ship them out??
According to Flex the final payment was set to be taken on Jan 25th. So even if they shipped the next day, you are looking at early February for ADs.