The helmet and suit is not intended to represent the tight final fit. Watch the scene again and you'll recall that the entire suit, including the helmet, first fits loose over him and then mechanically pulls tight at the very end.
The only thing thats really bothering me is that the track suit isn't weathered at all. Its just way too clean. Even if you were only displaying him with the suit case, he had already caught on fire at that point so it should be roughed up. Especially with the battle damaged head.
Oh I'm not sure if it's worth it to me. I'm just saying I can understand why this costs what it does in a world where Falcon Cap costs $375. If I decided I was willing to drop $400 on a figure, I'd have to think long and hard about whether this is actually the one I would want to spend that much on versus a Thanos or the Battle-Damaged Mark 85.Eh, that hardly qualifies as any type of justification. If you break anything down and try hard enough you can justify the pricing for anything.
At the end of the day it's all just mass produced plastic parts. Worth $400? To me, no. To you, I guess so.
To my eye it still looks like it starts out wider and gets tighter in the film, but a lot of that may be the chin strap before it connects. I wouldn't mind seeing them cut down on the hair like ddhc showed in mockup and then make the helmet smaller, but I do believe the width is intentional. If Hot Toys intended for the helmet to appear as if it had completed forming to Tony's head, they'd have included a second helmeted sculpt like you suggested. Or make the hairpiece swappable for one that allows for a tighter helmet fit.I watched that scene a few times yesterday and the helmet comes on right to the sides of his face. At no point is it loose and pulls in. Most of the armour does have to ratchet into place, but none of it is as loose as this is portrayed to be.
And I?m not saying that as an argument. This figure shows how they just cannot give you a suit that fits over a 1/6 figure. It has to be an articulated armour to look right. It?s like when you see a cosplayer as Iron Man. Even a slender Doug Jones type of body, while okay in a suit, the helmet will look too large. I know people on here are saying he should have come with the racing helmet but I reckon they should have had a partially helmeted sculpt with the helmet half on. What they have done seems a bit lacklustre to my eyes. But I was never in the market for this figure, so it doesn?t affect Hot Toys. The arms splayed, mostly-on pose looks great. Till you look at the legs and the boots, lol.
If I decided I was willing to drop $400 on a figure, I'd have to think long and hard about whether this is actually the one I would want to spend that much on versus a Thanos or the Battle-Damaged Mark 85.
Mark 1 diecast... or nothing.
Looks awesome on display at Secret Base.
I do think it’s cooler than the actual Mark V figure because it actually captures what was cool about that suit. But you are correct that it is only good for two poses, or three or four with the deluxe. Almost have to think of it more as a statue than a figure.Damn that does look awesome. And I would say it might even make a cooler looking figure than the actual Mk V... but ultimately the only reason to buy this is to put it in that one single pose, and I'm just not sure that's worth paying $400 for.