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anyone ever thought about how hot toys is going to outdo themselves after the ironman series..............IMHO..........this will be very very very hard to top.

but cant wait to see what they come up with.......

yes, with a iron monger and an alien queen. both would trump any 1/6 figure EVER! not even the awesomeness of the preds could touch those, if they are ever made.
Next week can't come soon enough.....

There are some fantastic pics of the Mark III in this thread!! I'm glad to see its been released. Cant wait to see what the rest of them look like!!!
Then at that time make the statement. But it's like how some people are already crowning the Medicom TDK Batman the "best Batman figure ever" when it's just a prototype. You say "Hot Toys has maintained (sometimes surpassed) the prototypes" but imo it would be more accurate like this: "Hot Toys has maintained (sometimes surpassed) the prototypes WITH CERTAIN FIGURES" because they sure as hell haven't done that with their Predator line.
In terms of engineering no way that the Godfather figure surpass Iron Man. Not saying that the Godfather figure isn't any good but a fantastic Brando sculpt + chair < Iron Man's lights, metallic paint, and articulation (just compare IM with Robocop).
Hells yeh!!! I could justify that purchase more than, say, The Tumbler. More fun/replay value.

Can't see it happening though, unfortunately. Even though CSC had a 'HT Iron Monger - Coming Soon' pic up ages ago.
I believe HT hinted at the Iron Monger like a long time ago last year but honestly one can't help but feels that they kinda dropped the ball on this one. As amazing these figures are, they took way too long to get it out (Mark one in like April or May this year) and it's almost one year after the movie.

At this rate, if the Iron Monger is ever coming out, it might be like end of the year or something.
If there's one thing that HT is famous for, its giving pleasant surprises to their fans. Just keep your fingers crossed on ironmonger.

There's no time frame in the HT world. Just look at how long long it take for them to release the lost predator.. More than a decade!
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It'll be interesting to see if they get the same shine on the Mark II, the lack of it was the only thing that put me off it.