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the mark II is cool, but to bad the only part it had in the film was the flying test. and hot toys saying it can't make an Iron Monger is crazy. look at the things they have made, power loader, ED from robo cop, the tumbler. an Iron Monger is well within their capabilities.
Does anyone have the blue Toys2 suit? Would it be suitible at all for Tony? Is it as a pale a blue as it appears in photos on the Toys2 site?
I think its funny that people simply site the Tumbler, the ED and the PL and say "Why can't HT just make an Iron Monger?!?!" Not a shot at the post above but I've read that over and over. Look, there have been companies who have made 1:6 remote control cars forever, even the Tumbler, what is shocking is that its functional in terms of being able to put Bats in there which wasn't the case for those other companies but in terms of scaling it isn't a groundbreaking thing. PL, ED both great in their own regards but let's look at Iron Monger's constructs.


The legs are on balljoints for movement on the figure but if you look at the pic from the film


The legs are narrow and short making it difficult to actually make it function and get a Stane in there. Not to mention the shoulder angles would destort a 1:6 figure in there and get him to still be able to be some what posable.

So let's say they go No Stane. Just an IM. Okay, the Iron Monger that SWS made was 10' in 1:6 world that's 20". That's 3" taller than the PL not to mention hes about as wide as the ED-209. So you take the size and say we've gotta make it as posable as Iron Man and you've got quite a task. Not to mention that the Iron Monger in design is amazingly top heavy so you've got to measure out the balance in order to make it be able to stand without looking grossy misproportioned because if not he'd topple every second he is left alone.

Its not easy of a task by any means to do it and then make it affordable enough to where people aren't gonna go "For a figure? Really?" and actually order it.
I think its funny that people simply site the Tumbler, the ED and the PL and say "Why can't HT just make an Iron Monger?!?!" Not a shot at the post above but I've read that over and over. Look, there have been companies who have made 1:6 remote control cars forever, even the Tumbler, what is shocking is that its functional in terms of being able to put Bats in there which wasn't the case for those other companies but in terms of scaling it isn't a groundbreaking thing. PL, ED both great in their own regards but let's look at Iron Monger's constructs.


The legs are on balljoints for movement on the figure but if you look at the pic from the film


The legs are narrow and short making it difficult to actually make it function and get a Stane in there. Not to mention the shoulder angles would destort a 1:6 figure in there and get him to still be able to be some what posable.

So let's say they go No Stane. Just an IM. Okay, the Iron Monger that SWS made was 10' in 1:6 world that's 20". That's 3" taller than the PL not to mention hes about as wide as the ED-209. So you take the size and say we've gotta make it as posable as Iron Man and you've got quite a task. Not to mention that the Iron Monger in design is amazingly top heavy so you've got to measure out the balance in order to make it be able to stand without looking grossy misproportioned because if not he'd topple every second he is left alone.

Its not easy of a task by any means to do it and then make it affordable enough to where people aren't gonna go "For a figure? Really?" and actually order it.

I believe you make it sound WAY harder than what it actually would be. the figure wouldn't be so top heavy either if it had a stan figure which would make the top hollow for the most part. i would say a 400 to 500 dollar price range would be where a Monger would cost. and I would have no problem if Hot toys made some liberties with the joints on the hips and shoulders (hell, any joint change would be fine by me) to make it work. I myself don't really care if it's 100 percent film accurate, i'd rather have function than accurate. but if your in the camp that doesn't want hot toys to make an liberties to make it work then I guess it would be pretty hard. but I don't really care THAT much for the accuracy. even if some of the changes would be to change the overall size of the suit I would be ok with that. just as long as it works. when there's a will, there's a way, if hot toys wants to make this figure, they can do it.
They never said never. They said there are issues and they are looking into it but don't expect it in the relative future. Now grated they've been working on the Alien Queen in 1:6 form for a while so take those comments with a grain of salt. I want film accurate, no questions asked. This will be a one shot deal, there won't be an Iron Monger v2 shortly after unless its a BD which is different altogether so I want them to take their time and either do it right or not at all.
I think HT will only do IM if the sales of the 3 they release are pretty good. Which don't seem like it's going to be too hard to do. (but who knows?)
They never said never. They said there are issues and they are looking into it but don't expect it in the relative future. Now grated they've been working on the Alien Queen in 1:6 form for a while so take those comments with a grain of salt. I want film accurate, no questions asked. This will be a one shot deal, there won't be an Iron Monger v2 shortly after unless its a BD which is different altogether so I want them to take their time and either do it right or not at all.

ah, well i'm not in that camp about the accuracy. and I was going to mention the alien queen, if they want to make that, which I find a much harder task than the Iron Monger, then the Monger is something they can do. and I would find that since it is larger, it would be easier to make it work, easier to engineer all the little things. of course that would bring up the cost, but like I said, I don't really care if hot toys cuts any corners, but I don't think they would do that anyways. I believe the reason they are holding back is because of the amount it would cost people and there for, they wouldn't be able to sell it. just my thoughts though.
It's supposed to be brushed metal, that's what it was in the film.

I never really noticed that until now. It's subtle.


I think the paint changes colour dependent on the light conditions...





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From the numerous positive responses and photos, I have taken the liberty to waitlist myself for the Mark III and Mark II. I've also convinced my girlfriend to purchase me the Mark I :lol. I think having all of them would look great in a detolf. I'm new to this hobby and have been looking for a piece to jump into and I think I'm SOLD. I hope it converts, as I've come to appreciate what Sideshow does for this community and hope to funnel my money towards their commitments.
I never really noticed that until now. It's subtle.
It is subtle. I probably wouldn't have noticed either except I was watching the behind the scenes features on the Iron Man blu-ray last night and the ILM guys were talking about how hard it was to get the brushed metal look right :)
If they do make an Iron Monger I won't be getting it. I simply don't have the space or money to put down for it, same reason I'm passing on the Tumbler.