haha quoting myselfhaha yeah i get you but you and i are different people and probably at different stages of our lives and with different priorities
im a old bloke at 64 in poor health whos loved superheroes since the late 1950s and collects captain action super powers megos and all points in between as a touchstone to my past ,that includes cheapo knock offs and hot toy type figures
i collect for my own personal pleasure of ownership ,im lucky to be at a place in my life where money isnt that important to me so if i see something i like ,ill buy it im lucky i dont have to weigh one purchase against another before i buy something or consider its resale value
i hope i live long enough to get to buy the hot toys version of cyborg but if i dont this one will stand at the back and fill that space for me now lol
anyway thanks for the engagement and i hope you continue to enjoy what you buy as much as i do cheers
Some amazing shots. Love the weathering and used detail on the armour too !
Still not the biggest fans oaf the extra arms, but that pic below with the stand looks like a decent pose to go with in the collection.
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