Hot Toys logo changing colour and getting slimey...why?

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Obscure figures are all I really tend to collect, obscure by the standards in this thread anyway, as the only real current thing I have would be the Joker.


Frankly I hope they continue with the more obscure stuff, maybe we'll get '89 Batman, or The Thing, or even The Fly would be cool in 1/6.

On a side note, perhaps the martians could come with 1/6 scale color skeletons.

Dude, That Travis Bickle is awesome!

I like the obscure too, and for the record I am all about them making "Mars Attacks!"'s not like HT hasn't had real lame licenses, Prison Break, The Spirit, Resident Evil...blah, who cares about that crap!..."Mars Attacks!" is far from being anywhere near that lame.

Thanks man!

I think when people see a Hot Toys detailed Martian, their gonna change their minds about this one.
The Aliens in Mars Attack always reminded me of this ...

I mean if you collect Star Wars but aren't into Buffy, would you go into the Buffy section just to say what a dumb idea it is?

Many people did exactly that when Dave was considering closing Whedonville.
People who never posted in that section dropping in to say "Buffy sucks."
I can't understand the logic in people getting pissed at Hot Toys for doing something different for a change. It's not like they are going to stop making other figures due to this(don't worry you will get your sixth Batman and tenth Joker :lol).

Delusional fan ownership.
They want new and exciting long as they in no way differ from what they know already.
It's a testament to Hot Toys popularity, really. An ugly, stupid compliment. :lol
What's with all the negativity here? If HT does do Mars Attacks, then it's good news for everyone. Fans will get product for a very obscure movie and non-fans can be assured that HT is willing to diversify their product range and licenses.

It's an embarrassment of riches.
WTF! WOW! MARS ATTACKS = 100% FAIL! what a big let down if it is! im sure this wont be as popular as some of the other HT lines! how many DIE HARD mars attacks fans are there in the world!??!?! 5 maybe 6?
WTF! WOW! MARS ATTACKS = 100% FAIL! what a big let down if it is! im sure this wont be as popular as some of the other HT lines! how many DIE HARD mars attacks fans are there in the world!??!?! 5 maybe 6?

I heard the same rant when they announced Marcus from T4, when pics were released people were like OMG! WOW! I WANT IT NOW!

Awesome news and it's MARS ATTACKS! Donut World picture gave it away, it is from the movie.
Dude, That Travis Bickle is awesome!

I like the obscure too, and for the record I am all about them making "Mars Attacks!"'s not like HT hasn't had real lame licenses, Prison Break, The Spirit, Resident Evil...blah, who cares about that crap!..."Mars Attacks!" is far from being anywhere near that lame.


One man's "lame" is another man's "awesome."
I can't understand the logic in people getting pissed at Hot Toys for doing something different for a change. It's not like they are going to stop making other figures due to this(don't worry you will get your sixth Batman and tenth Joker :lol). I think Mars Attacks is pretty cool and is is something a little different for a change. I think its bad forum to call Hot Toys stupid and lame just because you don't happen to like their choice. Person I can'r stand Planet of the Apes but I didn't catch a flight to HK to smack them in the mouth for making figures from it.

I'm not disagreeing there are figures I'd rather see, but I'm not going to complain that were getting something.

They won't do any human from this movie, I can guarentee it, again they likely payed a million or so dollars for the ability to do this movie which includes the rights to the martians.

To do Michael, they'd have to pay an additional so many million and then get his approval which takes longer, and really, who wants Mike from this movie, they aren't stupid.

Doing that would lose them money. But just doing Martians and not having to pay anything extra, I assure you, they'll profit from this, not as much as Batman, but who cares, more obscure movies deserve collectibles too.

I wouldn't wonder into the Universal Horror section and ask why Sideshow would have wasted time with movies from the 1940s, I just would ignore them.

I can understand complaining when a company gets details wrong on something you want, but to complain just because they bought a license that doesn't appeal to you doesn't make sense to me.

I mean if you collect Star Wars but aren't into Buffy, would you go into the Buffy section just to say what a dumb idea it is?

Totally understand I am also entitled to my opinion, and since there is so much Mars Attacks Boners up in here I thought I would stir the pot someone has to object we can't all be lovers now can we? :monkey3

And I never called Hot Toys stupid so before I read some post about how I called Hot Toys stupid, lets not miss quote me.

Its a risk on their part, aliens are cool, but is that all they are going to do? Maybe some dioramas would be good too.
well if it is Mars Attacks I guess I have More money for Dark Knight and Terminator Salvation:rolleyes:....Cause I No Buy that S#!t and I remeber the Mars Attacks toys not selling good when the movie came out I was working at Toyrus at the time and they just took up self space.:banghead
And I never called Hot Toys stupid so before I read some post about how I called Hot Toys stupid, lets not miss quote me..

I never said I was quoting you... I was referring to all of the Lame, Mars Attacks=Fail, Useless comments made on previous pages.