Hot Toys logo changing colour and getting slimey...why?

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Listen, they made Edward Scissorhands, without the Depp likeness. Now any rational company would have said "We got no likeness we got nothing, ^^^^ it" Sure they made Billy without the likeness but he was a second tier character part of a bigger collection. Scissorhands is a stand alone piece. But Hot Toys was determined, Determined to crank that figure out- Why? It doesn't have a huge demographic, it wasn't in high demand. It because of what I call THE BURTON FACTOR!

You're right Mars Attacks is a bizarre license, it doesn't make sense, no one was asking for it. Hot Toys didn't just go "Oh look 'Mars Attacks' is available " No they deliberately sought it out. This was a premeditated license acquirement ! why? Because they have a list and its called Teh Burton Factorz :horrorHe's the common element Burton is everything

They're gonna do Planet of the Apes Burton style ( I know it sucked ) and they're probably gonna get Alice in Wonderland, then Nightmare Before Christmas and Batman WILL happen.:cool:

"Its all ......part of the plan"

Well I hope you're right then cuz I too am a big Burton fan. I have always wanted something from 89' Batman.
I don't want to get my hopes up... but all signs really do point to Mars Attacks. Funny they would start using these kind of fun teasers, hope they do more of it. Makes collecting more fun :rock
I don't want to get my hopes up... but all signs really do point to Mars Attacks. Funny they would start using these kind of fun teasers, hope they do more of it. Makes collecting more fun :rock

It certainly is inspired work.

Wonder if the products wil be 1/6, or possibly dioramas of some kind.
I think it'll be cool if they do Mars Attacks figures. I wouldn't mind a Martian Girl... With alternate head, of course.

I don't think it's Mars Attacks. Now some of the pics on the main page all have skeletons:




All the logos have resemblence to existing licenses they have. Maybe a skeleton based twisted or stylized line up of figures they've done?
Or maybe just gag stuff as a setup for the new look webpage?

Its Mars Attacks, I watched it last night, they have two ray guns, the smaller single hand held one, that shoots red and makes red skeletons, and the larger ray rifle that shoots green and makes green skeletons.

Look at that Godfather one, its from when they kill Congress, you can see the congressmen running around in the backround. The Green Skeleton above it is Michael J. Fox reaching out to Sarah Jessica Parker when he gets fryed.

The Donut World is also the one from the movie, and that boom explosion picture on the main page is from the landing scene where they first kill the dove and start fighting the army.

and finally look at the titles...


Its funny how many people are acting like this is the end of the world, they didn't get this license instead of Ghostbusters, its not like they were offered something way cooler and said no were going to do Mars Attacks instead, it was probably really cheap for them to pick up. How is it any odder then Edward Scissorhands, Alien, or Goeman or The Spirit.

And I love whoever said they shouldn't do these odd licenses, are you guys 2 years old? Do you not remember that Hot Toys made a name forthemselves with the Aliens and Terminator license well over 10 years after their original releases? They didn't even have likeness rights...
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:lol:lol:lol:lol Based on what exactly?

Overuse. WE got 1 Harvey dent, 3 Batmans, 3 jokers, and 2 vehicles. while the vehicles were nice, there were several other characters that could have been made, And people would have purchased. Alfred, Lucious, Commissioner Gordon ( there is a HUGE outcry from bat-fans about the complete LACK of Gordon figures on the market in any scale)
also, with all the rehashing that the line has had, bleah.
there are several other lines that could have seen more figures instead ot the R&D eing spent bringing us more batman and more joker.
Did they sell? Yes. did they make a boatload of cash? Yes.
However, I would rather have seen them do 1 joker, and 1 batman, and work on tother liscenses instead.

That's why i consider TDK to be the worst liscense they picked. It held them back.
I'm sorry but I think they should still make things that would be a run away hit before taking a hit how many Mars Attacks fans are out there? What if this doesn't pan out and they loose some huge business?

Like I said before I would have liked to see some Robert Zamekis stuff. Bring on Back to the Future, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Why don't we have 1/6 stuff from those movies?
I'm sorry but I think they should still make things that would be a run away hit before taking a hit how many Mars Attacks fans are out there? What if this doesn't pan out and they loose some huge business?

Like I said before I would have liked to see some Robert Zamekis stuff. Bring on Back to the Future, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Why don't we have 1/6 stuff from those movies?

won't matter. see my earlier post. TDK stuff for hot toys was like the Wii for nintendo

Pic related

unrelated note, you have one of the most epic Avatars i've seen in a LONG LONG time.
Its Mars Attacks, I watched it last night, they have two ray guns, the smaller single hand held one, that shoots red and makes red skeletons, and the larger ray rifle that shoots green and makes green skeletons.

Look at that Godfather one, its from when they kill Congress, you can see the congressmen running around in the backround. The Green Skeleton above it is Michael J. Fox reaching out to Sarah Jessica Parker when he gets fryed.

The Donut World is also the one from the movie, and that boom explosion picture on the main page is from the landing scene where they first kill the dove and start fighting the army.

and finally look at the titles...


Its funny how many people are acting like this is the end of the world, they didn't get this license instead of Ghostbusters, its not like they were offered something way cooler and said no were going to do Mars Attacks instead, it was probably really cheap for them to pick up. How is it any odder then Edward Scissorhands, Alien, or Goeman or The Spirit.

And I love whoever said they shouldn't do these odd licenses, are you guys 2 years old? Do you not remember that Hot Toys made a name forthemselves with the Aliens and Terminator license well over 10 years after their original releases? They didn't even have likeness rights...

You bring up some pretty solid evidence there Deckard, congrats. I don't mind the property at all, I think HT should actually come up with some pretty cool figures out of this.
I'm sorry but I think they should still make things that would be a run away hit before taking a hit how many Mars Attacks fans are out there? What if this doesn't pan out and they loose some huge business?

Like I said before I would have liked to see some Robert Zamekis stuff. Bring on Back to the Future, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Why don't we have 1/6 stuff from those movies?

Because they can't attain the rights to those movies or to Chris Loyd's likeness or Michael J Fox's. Guys likeness rights can cost millions and millions of dollars, for just for Doc Brown and Marty, if they'd even give up the rights would cost well over 10 million and I'm not counting the actual back to the future license in that.

They couldn't even get Billys likeness for Predator even though they got Arnold, it just shows how complicated it can all be.

This was probably like a cool million dollars and they can make martians with just one persons approval.

And they are still doing Batman and Wolverine amongst others, so they can afford a cult license and a few solid current ones at the same time.

You really think their concerned about making money with Terminator Salvation figures about to hit, the new DX Joker and DX Batman, or Wolverine? Were 3 Batmans not enough for you?
won't matter. see my earlier post. TDK stuff for hot toys was like the Wii for nintendo

Pic related

unrelated note, you have one of the most epic Avatars i've seen in a LONG LONG time.

You are right......... about my avatar :monkey5 J/K they have made so much money so far that they can afford a hit, well unless it turns out to be a huge licenses and everyone loves it. I just think they shouldn't loose steam and churn out some big hitters that we haven't seen yet and have only dreamed of.

PS. I can't see your pic for some reason.
Because they can't attain the rights to those movies or to Chris Loyd's likeness or Michael J Fox's. Guys likeness rights can cost millions and millions of dollars, for just for Doc Brown and Marty, if they'd even give up the rights would cost well over 10 million and I'm not counting the actual back to the future license in that.

They couldn't even get Billys likeness for Predator even though they got Arnold, it just shows how complicated it can all be.

This was probably like a cool million dollars and they can make martians with just one persons approval.

And they are still doing Batman and Wolverine amongst others, so they can afford a cult license and a few solid current ones at the same time.

You really think their concerned about making money with Terminator Salvation figures about to hit, the new DX Joker and DX Batman, or Wolverine? Were 3 Batmans not enough for you?

I gotta admit 3 batmans were great but....... Mars Attacks? Really? Also isn't Michael J. Fox in that movie too? What if they got to make a figure of him from that movie and not BTTF oh the irony.

Anyways my point, if they could afford Arnold and Christian Bale they could afford Michael J. Fox, I thought he said in a recent interview he is open to giving out his likeness.
I gotta admit 3 batmans were great but....... Mars Attacks? Really? Also isn't Michael J. Fox in that movie too? What if they got to make a figure of him from that movie and not BTTF oh the irony.

Anyways my point, if they could afford Arnold and Christian Bale they could afford Michael J. Fox, I thought he said in a recent interview he is open to giving out his likeness.

I'm not disagreeing there are figures I'd rather see, but I'm not going to complain that were getting something.

They won't do any human from this movie, I can guarentee it, again they likely payed a million or so dollars for the ability to do this movie which includes the rights to the martians.

To do Michael, they'd have to pay an additional so many million and then get his approval which takes longer, and really, who wants Mike from this movie, they aren't stupid.

Doing that would lose them money. But just doing Martians and not having to pay anything extra, I assure you, they'll profit from this, not as much as Batman, but who cares, more obscure movies deserve collectibles too.

I wouldn't wonder into the Universal Horror section and ask why Sideshow would have wasted time with movies from the 1940s, I just would ignore them.

I can understand complaining when a company gets details wrong on something you want, but to complain just because they bought a license that doesn't appeal to you doesn't make sense to me.

I mean if you collect Star Wars but aren't into Buffy, would you go into the Buffy section just to say what a dumb idea it is?
I can't understand the logic in people getting pissed at Hot Toys for doing something different for a change. It's not like they are going to stop making other figures due to this(don't worry you will get your sixth Batman and tenth Joker :lol). I think Mars Attacks is pretty cool and is is something a little different for a change. I think its bad forum to call Hot Toys stupid and lame just because you don't happen to like their choice. Person I can'r stand Planet of the Apes but I didn't catch a flight to HK to smack them in the mouth for making figures from it.
I'm so happy. I loved the film (which is not a boring movie for depressive gothic teenagers like Burton usually does (haha just kidding)) and the old collecting cards (pop masterpiece) and I have most of the toys but they were not perfect. There was already a 12 inches figure but he wasn't better than the small toys so I'm dying to see the work of hot toys on those martians.
I can't understand the logic in people getting pissed at Hot Toys for doing something different for a change. It's not like they are going to stop making other figures due to this(don't worry you will get your sixth Batman and tenth Joker :lol). I think Mars Attacks is pretty cool and is is something a little different for a change. I think its bad forum to call Hot Toys stupid and lame just because you don't happen to like their choice. Person I can'r stand Planet of the Apes but I didn't catch a flight to HK to smack them in the mouth for making figures from it.

Obscure figures are all I really tend to collect, obscure by the standards in this thread anyway, as the only real current thing I have would be the Joker.


Frankly I hope they continue with the more obscure stuff, maybe we'll get '89 Batman, or The Thing, or even The Fly would be cool in 1/6.

On a side note, perhaps the martians could come with 1/6 scale color skeletons.