Hot Toys logo changing colour and getting slimey...why?

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a deluxe martian set, extra female disguise with head of course and some cool accessories. that's all they need to touch. Mar's Attacks great cast of human actors is not nessesary. well.. maybe Egyptian Byron Williams :) you may not be a fan of the film but there is no denying a martian from ht would be most definitely sick, great creature design imo.

Yes congrats to me if it happens. i knew i should of shown my enthusiasm with the more subtle dancing banana rather than quoting myself :peace

hey deckard, 60's topps mars top 3 sets imo dinosaur attacks and gbk being the other two.
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oh please please please please please please please please be Mars Attacks. I ^^^^ing LOVE this film.. always have :rock

Martian Alien + Hot Toys = A Super Happy Darren :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Just one tiny example:

HT site:

Mars Attacks:
Yep, the Donut and Skeletons sort of give it away....
remember that Iron Man 2 has a scene at a Donut place as well...


So, this might also be HT teasing us...
I really hope it's Mars Attack though, but I don't want to get too excited yet...
Guys think about this, they did Edward Scissorhands, now they're doing Mars Attacks, they're doing Planet of the Apes ( well its not the remake ) but still Hot Toys is systematically crossing off Tim Burton's movies ! And you know what movie is on his list? Batman! :banana

It all comes full circle! :chew
Guys think about this, they did Edward Scissorhands, now they're doing Mars Attacks, they're doing Planet of the Apes ( well its not the remake ) but still Hot Toys is systematically crossing off Tim Burton's movies ! And you know what movie is on his list? Batman! :banana

It all comes full circle! :chew

Tim Burton doesn't hold the rights to Batman, Warner Brothers does so just because HT's is making a pattern it doesn't mean they will get them all because Burton made the film. Still i'd love to see an 89' Batman line. Instant buy for most people here including myself.
I wish it were Ghostbusters.

But it's not.

^ How do you know, out of interest?

Hey DLD, you know something we don't know?

Dave ALLWAYS knows something we don't about this hobby. it pays to follow his lead most of the time.

WTF!! why!!!..last time i found this movie, it was in a bargain bin for $4...while they are pumping out Batman stuff..we need Keaton Batman!! or a DX T2 Arnold with two headsculpts, clean and final battle version with light up eye, maybe interchangable left arm and busted out knee with two sets of biker clothes, one damaged and one clean.

I'll tell you what it is, a big, giant turd.

What the hell? Figures from a movie that was made in 1996? It's not exactly on the top 10 most popular movies list. What a bizarre and uninteresting choice for a license to make figures from. What made them want to make these after all these years?

Were people even asking for these things? Honestly. I hope they choke on the figures and learn a lesson about digging up old movies that nobody but the handful of followers would buy from.

I THINK it was either Soverign Studios, or ChrisHowes h who was asked why there are TONS of sculpts out there of the same guy, same charatcter, etc. all this duplicate produce, and none of "character X" the response was basicly that as an individual, AND as as a company, you've got tons of personal projects you WANT to do, that there is little, or NO market for, but it's something you want for yourself. so you make LOTS and LOTS of stuff that sells really REALLY well so you can then take a cance and make the things YOU like for yourself, possibly selling a few as well. My money is on that this is a movie that is loved by The people who work at Hot Toys, and it's something for them. And they decided to share it with us as well. With as much cash as they've raked in over TDK, they could very eaisly be doing exactly that.

This is probably the dumbest license out of all their licenses thus far. Stupid.

No it's not. TDK is.
Dave ALLWAYS knows something we don't about this hobby. it pays to follow his lead most of the time.

I THINK it was either Soverign Studios, or ChrisHowes h who was asked why there are TONS of sculpts out there of the same guy, same charatcter, etc. all this duplicate produce, and none of "character X" the response was basicly that as an individual, AND as as a company, you've got tons of personal projects you WANT to do, that there is little, or NO market for, but it's something you want for yourself. so you make LOTS and LOTS of stuff that sells really REALLY well so you can then take a cance and make the things YOU like for yourself, possibly selling a few as well. My money is on that this is a movie that is loved by The people who work at Hot Toys, and it's something for them. And they decided to share it with us as well. With as much cash as they've raked in over TDK, they could very eaisly be doing exactly that.

No it's not. TDK is.

I wish they really loved Back to the Future instead of this movie, I don't know if they release this guy then maybe I'll invest in Mars Attacks:

Listen, they made Edward Scissorhands, without the Depp likeness. Now any rational company would have said "We got no likeness we got nothing, ^^^^ it" Sure they made Billy without the likeness but he was a second tier character part of a bigger collection. Scissorhands is a stand alone piece. But Hot Toys was determined, Determined to crank that figure out- Why? It doesn't have a huge demographic, it wasn't in high demand. It because of what I call THE BURTON FACTOR!

You're right Mars Attacks is a bizarre license, it doesn't make sense, no one was asking for it. Hot Toys didn't just go "Oh look 'Mars Attacks' is available " No they deliberately sought it out. This was a premeditated license acquirement ! why? Because they have a list and its called Teh Burton Factorz :horrorHe's the common element Burton is everything

They're gonna do Planet of the Apes Burton style ( I know it sucked ) and they're probably gonna get Alice in Wonderland, then Nightmare Before Christmas and Batman WILL happen.:cool:

"Its all ......part of the plan"