but why would they ave a zipper that doesnt work solidus? i totally believe it zips up but they keep wantin to show that crappy scar as if anyone cares.
The same reason they come with guns that don't fire 1/6 bullets

but why would they ave a zipper that doesnt work solidus? i totally believe it zips up but they keep wantin to show that crappy scar as if anyone cares.
The same reason they come with guns that don't fire 1/6 bulletsThe idea is to look like her coat has a zipper. They are basing it off the 3DS art, which of course just features her with the suit zipped down. So in that sense they could just have the zipper not function, just like how it would on a sculpted statue. It's stupid yes, but not impossible by any means.
The thighs and hips are too slender, the chest has a weird uni-**** thing going on, the height is too small (when The Boss is about the same height as Snake), the shoes have the wrong color, the jacket might not be able to zip up (as we've seen it zipped down in every photo).
All of this, excluding the man face. So no, The Boss isn't accurate at all. But, what's inaccurate about the Naked Snake figure, btw? Aside from the Peace Walker face, I can't see anything wrong about it
i cant wait for the combat poses im gonna put them in.
thats cool and shnarf, but i still think it zips due to the fact that the suit looks like it has give. maybe when it zips shes in raiden mode and when its not shes more posable. i definitely think that the poses will be pretty lame with these. i do love them. buts thats just it. and monger, why are you so positive that these will not sell well and be sitting on shelves? i always wanted to ask you that but never did. what is your basis. you could be totally spot on but im not so sure about that.
The thighs and hips are too slender, the chest has a weird uni-**** thing going on, the height is too small (when The Boss is about the same height as Snake), the shoes have the wrong color, the jacket might not be able to zip up (as we've seen it zipped down in every photo).
All of this, excluding the man face. So no, The Boss isn't accurate at all. But, what's inaccurate about the Naked Snake figure, btw? Aside from the Peace Walker face, I can't see anything wrong about it
Im o.k with the uni-****, but im not buying the figure i guess. Its just black laces, i think it looks better that way. Im sure that jacket can zip up. Is she really the same height as Snake though?
On BigBoss, HT recreated the 3DS render perfectly but not the in-game version which is where my issue lies. The ribbed parts look bad to me, and i don't like that the torso id made of a harder material.
Another oddity is that we still haven't seen the clock on her either
me either please elaborate oh never mind he means cloak! yes i want to display her with it. good call!
Oh wow I can't believe I said clock LOL
I hope not cause solid snakes way less bearded than BBAnybody knows what HT uses as the reference for their sculpts? Photos? I'd always assumed it would be easier since they could just acquire 3D scans of the characters. I'm a bit disappointed that Snake is based on his 3DS render rather than his iconic PS2 look.
This begs the question if they ever do MGS2, will they make Snake look like Peace Walker Big Boss? I shudder to think.
Anybody knows what HT uses as the reference for their sculpts? Photos? I'd always assumed it would be easier since they could just acquire 3D scans of the characters. I'm a bit disappointed that Snake is based on his 3DS render rather than his iconic PS2 look.
This begs the question if they ever do MGS2, will they make Snake look like Peace Walker Big Boss? I shudder to think.
Yeah I gotta agree with that, the in game version looks better but I guess they took a more realistic approach sadly.
This is what I was hoping Snake would look like but I don't really mind I like what HT has done with the sculpt.
I hope they make Raiden exactly how he looks on that HD collection picture though. He looks really awesome and I love the facial expression there. Yeah Cyborg Ninja Raiden is crazy and has all the bells and whistles, but personally I really like his basic MGS2 design too. His suit is very interesting looking. I love how it has the skeleton/humanoid aspects to it. Seeing a figure of it would be awesome but unfortunately its the kind of outfit that would look best as rubber and well...yeah...