I can't wait for these two releases to be done, so we can actually move into figures I care about... like Solid Snake.
I have a terrible feeling that the next MG figures will be variants of these two, which is all well and good if it didn't stop them from doing SolidSnake!!!
We will probably get Raikov next or some off the wall character lol.
I wouldn't mind a Big Boss without eyepatch I like the HT sculpt. Really though I think the figure pretty much universally wanted is MGS2 Snake. Hopefully they deliver, they'd would probably sell a ****load of them.
old snake has to come with the mk3. if it doesnt then there better be an otacon figure that has it.
That's how I see my perfect MGS shelve:
MGS - Snake, Liquid, Meryl (maybe Cyber ninja)
MGS2 - Snake as Pliskin, Raiden, Solidus (maybe Olga)
MGS3 - Camo Snake, EVA, Ocelot, Volgin
MGS4 - Old Snake, Liquid Ocelot, Raiden