Hot Toys MIS10 - Michael Jackson (Beat It version) spec and pics

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Ok...what kind of nonsense is this? I actually never ever used Ebay before, i know..what a shame, right? I did some buying on 'Marktplaats' but that's a bit different and you probably don't know it. But i've never bought anything on Ebay before. How weird that i don't know how it all works then right?

I's a ******* shame.:dunno

Yes, it's very weird, a shame indeed! That you recognise this is at least a good starting point, it shows that you're not completely lost just yet.

I just truly don't understand how it could happen, it's like you don't understand what an email is. I understand never having brought from eBay before but not having even a basic concept of how such a thing operates, and to be saying it's 'risky' and you don't have a 'good feeling' about it, that's something else... I don't think I've ever seen that outside of a ninety-year-old.
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Yes, is Kanu. :lol

I believe that's Kanu ?. Don't ask me how I know... :monkey1

Anyways, I don't have a shelf for Beat it Mike, so I put him back into his cell for the time being. I can hear him "hee hee!" deep at night...

I don´t know how explain in english but in spanish seria algo asi:

A parte de recortar un poco el parpado inferior de los ojos con un cutter muy afilado para agrandar el globo ocular y el iris tambien en la comisura de los labios, he pasado una lija muy fina de agua para suavizar del nº 600.

En cuanto a la pintura, el truco esta en sombrear u oscurecer algunas zonas como los ojos (parte superior), contorneando las pestañas y luego oscureciendo tanto la zona de la nariz alrededor para definirla mas y hacer que parezca mas delgada. Tambien he oscurecido las mejillas por la parte mas cercana a las orejas e iluminado el labio inferior y barbilla. Corte uno de los cabellos para posteriormente pintar algunos pelos mas sobre la frente. Eso es todo.

RestauraJones...please!!! por favor!!! tell us how??!!!! Cómo lograste ese perfecto MJ Thriller!!!??? Is there any chance that you could post a Tutorial on How to achieve that incredible repaint?...

Gracias amigo y genial la dupla de MJ's!!

No for the moment. I think is a good sculpt with a nice paintjob. Maybe I can retouch the eyes a little. I have no time for these things because I am doing a statue of San Peter in wood.:impatient:

He posted long ago in the 'Thriller' thread. It's not just a repaint, it involves taking a razor and cutting the bottom of the eyes to widen them and also cutting the corners of the mouth too, I think... I'd be too scared to cut mine like that. A couple of other people though did the same, people who had apparently never done anything of the kind before, and the results were pretty horrifying.

Jones' looks great, yes. It makes 'Beat It' look a bit less appealing when side by side like that. Does Mr Jones have plans to repaint or make adjustments to 'Beat It'?
I'm beginning to think that I'm going to miss out on this one. Bummer, but I just don't think I can fit him in with all the other stuff out there I need to pick up. The $300 price tag doesn't help.

Should be lower soon. Before the inevitable price hike once it's gone.



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Yes, it's very weird, a shame indeed! That you recognise this is at least a good starting point, it shows that you're not completely lost just yet.

I just truly don't understand how it could happen, it's like you don't understand what an email is. I understand never having brought from eBay before but not having even a basic concept of how such a thing operates, and to be saying it's 'risky' and you don't have a 'good feeling' about it, that's something else... I don't think I've ever seen that outside of a ninety-year-old.

You clearly are overexagurating things.
Some people just dont know how it works.

I would say probably 70% of world population at least.:exactly:

P.S. I know how to use ebay.
Yes, it's very weird, a shame indeed! That you recognise this is at least a good starting point, it shows that you're not completely lost just yet.

I just truly don't understand how it could happen, it's like you don't understand what an email is. I understand never having brought from eBay before but not having even a basic concept of how such a thing operates, and to be saying it's 'risky' and you don't have a 'good feeling' about it, that's something else... I don't think I've ever seen that outside of a ninety-year-old.

Exactly what is your problem with me? Quit talking nonsense, you are talking about this as if its a disaster or something. WHERE exactly did i say i knew nothing about Ebay? The only thing i asked was if i could still 'buy now' on Ebay. Jeez...of course i know how Ebay works with the bidding and all , but god forbid that i just rather buy from a real store than from Ebay. This might change when i eventually get a good purchase from Ebay, but this is just how i feel about it. No reason to make such a ridiculous reply about it.

You don't understand my point, thats your problem. Someone else in here did..and said its only common sense. Just because i find it more risky than a real store..doesn't mean i don't know what Ebay is. WHen i asked how Ebay worked, it was obviously only about the 'buy now' option. Don't jump to conclusions.
I'm trying it via Ebay now, current bid is 232,50 with 30 dollar shipping. Still that's better than Toys2. Cause i just checked it..shipping is like 83 euros , Canada Xpress post, i can't select anything else. Jesus christ...
Toys2 shipping is insane.

If you get into a bidding war just put in your max and move on. He has other MJ's to auction. (so don't get stuck on just one)
Ok thanks. I always checked Bigbadtoystore, but it's 300 dollars there, sigh. ANy other online stores with maybe a better price and normal shipping cost? I'm just checking out both Ebay and stores now.
Nope sorry.


Every self-respecting HT collection must have this figure :lecture
I notice how incredibly different some photos look....this one for example, the skin tone is so much lighther than the many other photos i;ve seen here. I blame it on the lighting, it can't be anything else.

I notice that about my own figures as well, when i shoot a photo of my Thriller and Bad figures it just looks so different on the photo than when i look at the figures myself in my case....strange ain't it.

This one

I notice that about my own figures as well, when i shoot a photo of my Thriller and Bad figures it just looks so different on the photo than when i look at the figures myself in my case....strange ain't it.

I don't find it too strange. Lighting has everything to do with it. Using a flash will always give you a brighter unnatural look.
That's true, when i make photos i always use flash though, cause if i turn it off and shoot a phoot, it looks uncrisp and ____ty. Maybe just my phone though..don't have a real cam.
I just looked around on Ebay, and i remember that awhile ago they had all kinds of cool clothing for Hot Toys MJ figures. Things like Billie Jean costumes and you name it..i searched for Hot Toys Michael Jackson and it only found the normal figures and the normal HT clothing, but no custom stuff.