Hot Toys MM129 -1/6 Scale :Terminator 2 - T-1000 (official spec + pics added)

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T2 is one of my most favorite movies ever.

T-800, I want to have:

- Clean, all black biker look.
- Cyberdyne look.
- Semi-BD Steel Mill look.
- Full-BD Steel Mill look.

I'm hoping HT will make a figure where all 3 of these scenes are possible to make, it should be possible with 2 heads, (You can reuse the Clean head for the Cyberdyne look) an extra jacket, pants plus damaged arm for the full BD, the body needs to have the damaged knee, which will be visible with the extra pants.
T2 is one of my most favorite movies ever.

T-800, I want to have:

- Clean, all black biker look.
- Cyberdyne look.
- Semi-BD Steel Mill look.
- Full-BD Steel Mill look.

What? components for? I'm a bit lost...

To build my above list, there's a lot of parts I'll need to make the figures that aren't included in the MMS117 T-800 release.
T2 is one of my most favorite movies ever.

T-800, I want to have:

- Clean, all black biker look.
- Cyberdyne look.
- Semi-BD Steel Mill look.
- Full-BD Steel Mill look.

I understand. Its one of my favorite movies aswell.:hi5: I just hope HT releases another terminator 2 figure soon.
I think we'll get a preview of the next figure once the T-1000 is about to ship, T-800 and Sarah shipped last time before getting the next previews.

I think the T2 line's almost wrapped, 1, maybe 2 T-800s and possibly an Endo and it'll be onto T1.

I'm hoping HT will make a figure where all 3 of these scenes are possible to make, it should be possible with 2 heads, (You can reuse the Clean head for the Cyberdyne look) an extra jacket, pants plus damaged arm for the full BD, the body needs to have the damaged knee, which will be visible with the extra pants.

Damaged chest, too. Which of course can be exposed for the steel mill or hidden for the Cyberdyne scenes by including two different shirts.
I think we'll get a preview of the next figure once the T-1000 is about to ship, T-800 and Sarah shipped last time before getting the next previews.

I think the T2 line's almost wrapped, 1, maybe 2 T-800s and possibly an Endo and it'll be onto T1.

Yeah, right about the preview, but I guess it'll be 1 T-800 and then a new Endo, so beginning of next year everyone should have their little piece of T-Heaven minus T1, right Sean?

I just asked Leo from goodshipped on the release of this bad boy.
He said December, but HT's site says Q3, which means September at the latest, right?
Anyone got updates regarding a delay?
I just asked Leo from goodshipped on the release of this bad boy.
He said December, but HT's site says Q3, which means September at the latest, right?
Anyone got updates regarding a delay?

i asked Loontentoys 2 days ago and he says the mid september - early october, he also report me about a delay in the War machine IM2 release.
Ok, so Q3 is fix.
Read about the delay a few minutes ago.
Wrote something too, but since it's retailer No. 2 I fear there's really something behind it. So HT's update is just a matter of time regarding WM, I think.
I hope that this toy arrives soon because i have preordered it in loontentoys store (ebay) and the time to claim ebay or paypal ends this week , this is my first preorder and im worried with this , if the period of claim ends i can only trust the seller , Loontentoys is a very good seller , i have bought about 20 hot toys figures from this store and this guy is very comunicative and im very happy with him but i hate the delays :(
Yeah, I feel you, man.
I´m with goodshipped since my T-800, got the DX Bats last and I´m totally happy with Leo and his T-1000 preorder looks great, but I would be as afraid as you with my money placed in a PO with the possibility gone to claim anything.
I think it´ll arrive in mid to end september and I hate saying it, but I think you can quit hoping for next week, but if loonten was so good you shouldn´t have to worry in any way,man.
Best of luck cause I´ll place my PO tomorrow I think.
Well there's been nothing from sideshow expecting it in the next 23 - 25 days and so far they have been getting T2 very shortly after HK.