No, I'm pretty much like you. I pick a pose and keep it. I even made a point to never touch the head again once I got it where I liked it (which didn't take much...point it straight ahead, tilt it downward ever so slightly, done.).
I think ultimately it comes down to the fact that I've taken off his shirt and jacket once or twice (what's the use in having that fancy new body if you're not gonna check it out, right?). I think all of the jostling of the figure and moving the other joints caused some friction in the head and neck area. Ironically, had I not kept the head in the same downward tilted position...if I moved it back upwards when changing his might look better today.
It's not like I ruined it or anything, it still looks great, especially when posed the way I like it, but it's something I think is worth mentioning. Again, cautionary tales...
Clean as in "no paint-rubs" or clean as in "rubbed completely off"?
If nothing else, consider this a friendly reminder to be vigilant. Once again, I'm extremely careful with all of my figures but I'm still seeing some "damage". Keep your head on a swivel (or rather, be careful of swiveling your heads), gang!
as in rubbed off. If it was a huge concern I was just paint the hairs back on. That kind of touch up is pretty easy.
Looks like Clark Kent's (with Logan's shirt, naturally).
So, how's everyone's neck paint holding up? Mine isn't looking too good, and I have to say I'm kind of surprised. I've been pretty careful with it but it's still starting to rub off. Granted, his head is tilting downward (he's Wolverine, after all) but I don't move it from side to side or anything. How are all of yours doing?
Jeez. I was eying this guy up as my next potential purchase, but I don't like what I'm hearing here. . .I go side to side only now. The one time I posed his head downward it took a bit of paint off.
Jeez. I was eying this guy up as my next potential purchase, but I don't like what I'm hearing here. . .
BTW, nice taped fists, Venom. That's a cool look, IMO. Are they supposed to be bandages, or taping his fists before a fight of some kind?
Damn you.I haven't regreted buying this figure for a single second... It's a must have, IMO.
Damn you.
gohastings has him for 149.99
I skipped Blade for this.... Now Blade is going to run me 200+ but I'm still cool with it.
Vice versa for me
I have a question for the people who have him, I really want to display him with the jacket and wifebeater and I was considering maybe wrapping the body in cling film at the parts where it might rub. Would that work or could be it done without being visible?
You just need to be careful and follow the instruction provided. I haven't regreted buying this figure for a single second... It's a must have, IMO.
I kitbashed this figure by getting all the parts some how and I can't peel off the clothing to kitbash a WWII version.