Hot Toys - MMS 103 - X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Wolverine Figure

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I have also contacted Ebay on several of those auctions. I think perhaps someone should post a warning on Hot Toys Facebook page. Get the word out if it hasn't been done already. Noticed a few auctions have ended because the seller no longer has it available.....hmmm
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I typed in Hot Toys Wolverine and there were three to four different seller from Vietnam, each having two to four separate auctions for Wolverines listed.
This is what I sent them,

Most everyone thinks or knows these are all fakes and reporting them to EBay and Hot Toys. I'd like to have one I can afford to take a chance it'll get screwed up trying to customize it. So, if it is a fake, I’ll give you $10 for one, but you'll have to lower the shipping as well. Since the box is fake too, it want matter if it's sent to me cheap and it gets banged up.

It was meant to be an insult more then anything else. I got my Wolverine when it was fist released in the US from Sideshow Toys.:clap
from someone called buttend lol.....the name should have been the first clue what made me pull the trigger was someone on here bought one and was convinced it was the real deal
The more people report their listings the sooner Ebay will look into it. I just reported a few more i missed yesterday. :gun
I've been watching these auctions for a couple of months with an intention to buy one. I assumed these were some damaged box overstock that a seller came into. The prices of $250-350 didn't seem unrealistic if there was indeed simple box damage to lower the value. Well, I'm glad I held off now knowing these are outright counterfeit.

I have to say these fakes don't look as bad as I thought. They could be a lot worse - and I have seen much worse recast Hot Toys heads last year but Hot Toys was quick to shut down those auctions. Anyway, I still can't endorse these fake Wolverine's. It would almost be better if the seller somehow made it known these were not authentic Hot Toys so buyers knew what they were getting into and just purchasing for custom jobs.

I think it's clear this is one seller with multiple usernames. See his feedback in any alias and you'll find he sells a bunch of $0.99 items to build his feedback and then posts these rare Wolverine figures. I'm sure much of his feedback also comes from aliases he uses. Whatever, I'm glad this scam is finally exposed.
Ok seems like all the winning bidders for these fakes all have zero feedbacks. That means wither these douche bags created more aliases to win their auctions so it seems legit or they bid on themselves because they know we are on to them.

Ebay wont let me contact the previous winning bidders to warn them so they can file a complaint with paypal or ebay.
It looks as if there are fewer more on Ebay then previously. I hope Ebay is taking action. I took the time out to report all remaining listings today. They have already made off with thousands of dollars. I would hate to see anyone else get ripped off. The thing is now there are bootleg figures floating around out there. Anyone new to the game will have to be cautious when purchasing their Wolverine. Lets get these guys off Ebay :chase
Ok seems like all the winning bidders for these fakes all have zero feedbacks. That means wither these douche bags created more aliases to win their auctions so it seems legit or they bid on themselves because they know we are on to them.

Ebay wont let me contact the previous winning bidders to warn them so they can file a complaint with paypal or ebay.

Ebay and ebay owned paypal wont do whats right and ban all the accounts of this seller. They could care less about this guy selling fakes, all they care about is there profits. Greedy Bastards!.
Ebay and ebay owned paypal wont do whats right and ban all the accounts of this seller. They could care less about this guy selling fakes, all they care about is there profits. Greedy Bastards!.

There is not a lot they can do. You say they are fake (they probably are) but the seller could say they are legit. He said she said. Unless there is proof for Ebay and PayPal, its only some one's opinion.

I am not saying this is not bad because recasting is bull$#!t, but its going to be hard to prove unless Hot Toys takes this on.
I don't just have a problem with the bootleggers from Asia. The Asian sellers with authentic HT figure annoy the ____ing ____ out if me as well. Where the ____ do they pull their bull____ values from 1200 for a figure who the ____ are they kidding. The only exception to this is some of the stores that do have decent prices for their PO stuff but I still think they're just too risky
To PO with them
To be fair I emailed every seller from Asia asking them about their figures being fakes, most all from Honk Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Japan, emailed me back letting me know theirs were originals and not fakes. A couple even told me the ones from Vietnam were fakes. So I guess that’s pretty much it, if it’s coming from Vietnam you’d better just leave it be.
That would be me:wave
I dont mind losing .75 cent on the listing if it will help people not get scammed. Maybe others can also do what I did and flood ebay with warning listings to counteract the Vietnamese sellers.

Nice work dude! :hi5:

I'm sure w/ that warning, you helped a lot of HT collectors out there! :wink1: