Got mine on eBay for about $151 shipped from China. Good luck.
Got any links mate? I couldnt find any that are around that price.
Got mine on eBay for about $151 shipped from China. Good luck.
I think its great but its not screaming buy me. I think id prefer him in a X-men uniform tbh.
Are speaking of Andy Bergholtz's Bale sculpt?
Yeah, definitely. It's really up to HT to pick which artist is better suited to a particular actor/character. I wonder how they decide that.
I feel like we've reached a point where we demand 100% proficiency when it comes to likenesses. Many people have been spoiled by a handful of exemplary portraits that they're distracted from the reality that really, it is only a handful of figures that have an almost perfect likeness. It's become a double edged sword for HT.
I like Wolverine. I agree with Eighthsamurai about the Jackman likeness not being almost-perfect, I think because everything else on the figure just screams excellence that the thought of the likeness not being somewhere close to perfect doesn't bother me. And I think a lot of people here feel the same way and have accepted it.
That is Wolverine. It's the movie Wolverine we've been waiting for.
I know that Sideshow, at least on two occassions, had multiple portraits submitted for the same figure and they went with one, so maybe HT does that too. Yulii said in an interview that she can do one in like 2 weeks, if Kojun and anyone else that does heads at HT can work as quickly, you could afford to have a best man wins scenario.
They did such a good job getting the detail of this figure that I bet if I shoot it, it will heal itself.
one of their best figure ever fo sure.
Yeah, I think you could be right on the money. There was a photo of an unproduced Andy B Comedian sculpt meant for Hot Toys floating around recently. It makes me wish HT's artists were more public with their unproduced work, just to see a head-to-head comparison as well as a sort of artistic progression.
I think its great but its not screaming buy me. I think id prefer him in a X-men uniform tbh.
I'll get this one IF i ca get a god deal, but considering hot toys has an x-men trilogy liscense, i'll hold out for one in the uniform.
Depends on which god you pray to.
While I'm likely in the minority I hated the movie "costume" so the Logan look is perfect imo.
I think the likeness is okay, not perfect but decent. You know who it is. Kinda like the TDK Bales. They were off but still Bale in most aspects, at least the OC one was. Same goes for the Harvey Dent sculpt.
i seriously do not see how you guys don't see 100 percent jackman in this ??
i seriously do not see how you guys don't see 100 percent jackman in this ??