Insufferable S.O.B.
Chrome is a coating, not a alloy like metal.
It looks great in your photo mywii. I think that is how i'll have mine when it arrives.
nice pose dude....if only HT cover those joints or use those ultra flexible rubber like 300......
Yeah, that's the thing that bothers me most about 1/6th figures. In fact, I base my purchases around that spec: if there is no way for me to hide the joints, I simply don't buy it. In the case of Wolverine, the solution is to leave all his clothes on. Simple.
nice pose dude....if only HT cover those joints or use those ultra flexible rubber like 300......
Maybe you should buy statues instead? Action figures need to have uncovered joints for maximum poseability. Rubber bodies restrict movement, hence HT only use them when they are aesthetically necessary.
There are only few metals with magnetic properties, three common ones Cobalt, Ferum (Iron) and Nickle (& Gadolinium, Dysprosium)... Also alloys with copper, manganese, or/and aluminium are also magnetic but they are non-magnetic alone.the claw really look and feel like metal. However, i tried with a magnet. Probably is aluminium....
Is it possible to put the The xmen suit from the medicom version on the hot toys version ?
Maybe you should buy statues instead? Action figures need to have uncovered joints for maximum poseability. Rubber bodies restrict movement, hence HT only use them when they are aesthetically necessary.