The closest thing would be Hot Toys Alien figures, they have rubber sleeves over the elbow and kneed joints to cover them up.
I dont know, he's Wolverine. And I think he would look pretty funny without hair on his arms and hands.
Pay it no mind and enjoy your figures/toys. Let other people get ulcers about it.
hmmm, that just gave me a thought. what if they did the same thing for human figures? doesn't seem that impossibe to me.
they could make sorta like a thin rubber sleeve or sock that slides over the elbow and wrist joints to hide the joint lines. then the paint app could help even out the colour and make it look more like it's part of the same surface. just a crazy idea.
£180.00 on
£180.00 on
I'm hoping the minimalism of this figure makes for quick shipping, but using this new head material and this new base body, I hope those 2 factors don't slow him up.
The thing is, with the aliens, the sleeve tucks under the upper and lower arm pieces and because of the Alien design, it can look seemless. With the human body, arms and legs flow smoothly into all the various joints, so there's no way you could hide a sleeve without having a joint still show like the Aliens, full rubber body is the only way to hide joints.
I've seen the sleeves people have tried and while they do hide the joints better than nothing, in some poses they're still visible and without the base plastic being a human shape, the overall look of arms and legs still isn't quite human looking.
Kojun's had some so-so custom sculpts too, his HEAT Pacino looks like Pacino, but not from HEAT.
All sculptors have hits and misses. Yulli has perfected Heath Ledger but can't capture Christian Bale.
I think the Woleverine portrait is a very nice sculpt.
On the other hand, anything Trevor Grove touches turns into gold
Then Sideshow touches it and it turns to ^^^^.