Hmm... may do that. I also just realized I have a whole host a buffing and polishing wheels for my dremel. The 600 sandpaper I have isn't fine enough to get back to a full polish but it gets it close. The polishing wheels may get it the rest of the way.
The stuff I use for my plexy cases is from a company called NOVUS. I use it with a soft rag so Im not sure about the dremel. Doing by hand is easy and you wont run the risk of streaks from polishing one direction. Or cutting through.
Awesome thanks, and it's available via Amazon Prime which means I can get it 2-day air for freeOrdered!
Thanks guys.
The lights on figures my argument's always been against them since I'd only ever have them on in photos and I can just do that in photoshop. A large amount of torso articulation was lost on the mkII and III for the lights.
I think butchered is a strong word, but the other thing not having the move-able mouth would have done would be to allow the head to be fully plastic instead of partially rubber.
Not to be the bearer of negativity but to be honest Id try and just get Hot Toys to give you a new one. There is a fine dull coat sprayed all over the dome to give it the frosted look. it's glossy clear plastic underneath. using that stuff/cloth on it will give you a big glaring clear transparent spot. I know this because i scratched some of mine of near the ugly stream around the bottom of the dome trying to touch it up bit, underneath the dome is shiny clear plastic. it will look pretty bad IMO.
It might be a little underscale but I think the one on the Medicom is way over scale.