GET IT, AVFIN! Best price you'll see for this guy mint in box w/ Priority Mail shipping, hands down . I don't see what there is to think about, I mean this is lower than some Freaks ask for a used one, and even lower than he is on feeBay nowadays .
Waiting for pics, Pjam.
That's actually a great little picture.
Here's a quick snap right out of the box, haven't done a thing to him yet. Even the hands are still pancake hands. Will have comments tomorrow, but I will say this now: Get him before he gets you.
Please ignore the Pam Vorhees as Ripley
Took this picture last night of my Big Chap... the chrome teeth and close mouth really look nice
ooooo..............thats a purdy shot.
come on hastings.................deliver that bad mo-fo..........