It does look like garbage, The likeness and hair look nothing like the prototype. I feel sorry for anyone who paid $2k for that.
The endo looks like hes an uninvited photo invader, quickly jumping in from the side with a big cheesy grin!
And in so many pics i've seen it looks like it has a moustache.
And in so many pics i've seen it looks like it has a moustache.
It does look like garbage, The likeness and hair look nothing like the prototype. I feel sorry for anyone who paid $2k for that.
The quality of the Endo is pretty excellent, but that damn pose ruins it. It's clearly supposed to be like the first one you see in T2, but they jacked the pose too much, and now he looks like he's sticking his hip out too far. His spine should be straight up, his shoulders square, and he should only be twisting in the middle. This pose makes him look like he sees something big and scary coming his way.
The CM T850 likeness is one of the best there is !
The quality of the Endo is pretty excellent, but that damn pose ruins it. It's clearly supposed to be like the first one you see in T2, but they exagerated the pose too much, and now he looks like he sees something big and scary coming his way.
Its stunning how a $160 plus toy can outshine a $1600+ statue. Hot Toys is AMAZING.
Its stunning how a $160 plus toy can outshine a $1600+ statue. Hot Toys is AMAZING.
Personally, I have no problem with the CM Endoskeleton's pose. Hey Surf, if it's that big a problem to you, I can take him off your hands.