How do you know the T-800 shirt is dyed though? for all we know it could be just genuine black cotton...
Have to admit I was always under the illusion that cottonpickin cotton was always white!
But I am essentially pretty stooooopid... I jest not!
Wait, so this isn't actually pink cotton i'm wearing?
I'm not sure which thread to post this in but this one gets the most Terminator traffic so I'll post it here.
On the Skynet Edition of T2 BluRay is there a mini game on there were a T-1000 pops up on the screen & you have to shoot him down with your remote or PS3 controller or am I totally just imagining this? It's been driving me crazy for the past year. Any idea?
Wait, so this isn't actually pink cotton i'm wearing?
So long as it matches your skirt, I wouldn't worry about it.