I think a slight turn of his body in the window would look better, kind of like Sideshow's PF, gives a sense of, he doesn't give a ____ who's outside the window or what they try to do to him, and just goes about his business.
I like the skull-and-crossbones T-1000 also...
Cool display all around!!!
If HT releases a new Endo, I would hope it's an upgrade. Even the T-700 was a re-use of the old sculpt with a rough texture added. It would look great with a nice chrome look, rather than the dull paint apps that were used before.
it would`nt surprise me if they came out with a new endoskeleton,now that they can do electro plating.look at the statue that will come with the new Indiana Jones figure.I would also love it if they did a battle damaged Terminator 1/4 bust showing the chrome endo skull and chest plate between the torn flesh.
No way they'll do a full metal Endo, it'd be too heavy and raise shipping prices an insane ammount, on top of what'll likely be a high product price. They have more chrome looking paints now, I'd imagine they'd go that route.
Sadly, right now, it doesn't seem like they're going to make anything else Terminator.
Electro plating can be done over plastic just like they do it on model car bumpers and wheels.Does`nt have to be done over metal.
Let's see. The minigun was $10. The bandolier and grenades and the M79 were $23. And the gloves were $3. So close to $40 after shipping.
where did you get these things?
Trying a couple of different lights and exposures with my T-800:
Wow that is sublime.