He looks perfect when you see him in the "flesh". I don't think anyone is going to do anything as good anytime soon. the whole squished face argument is just stupid when you actually look at the figure from different angles. It might look squished from a certain angle, but overall it just doesn't. Any artists in this thread? Let discuss how good the figure is.
That custom A-Dev is almost perfect except for the head.
But actually this way it might be even better as it feels like if the rubber on Arnie is burned.
some more
That's one cool custom! I don't hate on the NECA, especially on their 7" line, the sculpts are pretty good, IMO. Paintjobs are hit or miss with NECA, but the sculpts are good, not HT good, but still good.
Nice work!!! I've always wondered though, where does the T-800 have the M1911A during this scene? He grabs it in the beginning, then he has it on him at the hospital, but in this scene its absent. Always bugged me.
That's one cool custom! I don't hate on the NECA, especially on their 7" line, the sculpts are pretty good, IMO. Paintjobs are hit or miss with NECA, but the sculpts are good, not HT good, but still good.
Took My Terminator figures out of storage for some shots with my New camera.
The Galleria.
Ah the skin texture. Yeah theres no denying that, its a fact not just your opinion.
Cheers Fiend! I'll probably either have him standalone or shaking hands with Sarah Connor. The only interraction he has with the T-1000 while in this state of disrepair is when he's crawling along the ground and T-1000 impales him through the floor but that wouldn't show off this figure very well. However if HT make an official one the impaling scene is defintely one I want to recreate.
I've had this for a couple of weeks but until yesterday I had only my crappy phone camera so didn't post pics. This is Cregcustoms T2 BD T-800 which he sold to meI'm very lucky to have this especially if HT have officially finished with this line.
These are are fun to look at. You really nailed the gestures, especially Arnie reloading the shotgun. Lets see more!
Haters gonna hate.
I don't like that NECA custom either. To me it looks gaudy and amateurish. The paint, texturing of the skin, the nose, cheeks, mouth, and the overall toyishness and look of the finished product just doesn't look real to me.
Please, guys! Where can I buy one for a good price?
Well that depends on your idea of a good price. If $300+ is a good price to you then ebay is the way
Other than that![]()