Well what's really shocking, I can totally get why we don't get young Sarah or young John, at best a Targets of Skynet 2 pack or something might sell ok, but definitely not either alone, and even Reese I can almost get, but no BD T1 or T2 T-800 just makes no sense, they'd be huge sellers.
I'm still hoping we might see a BD T2 soon to celebrate the 20th anniversary of T2.
I really think we'll see both. I mean it hasnt been that long since the release of the T2 T-800 what was it early 2010? And the T1 came out early this year right? You have to ask yourself one question: Why wouldnt they? Your right they would be hude sellers. Probably bigger sellers than the non BD ones. I remember some people complaining that they wanted to be able to see the cyborg undeneath. So you'd get all those buyers,the Terminator enthusiasts would buy multiples and others who just think it looks bad @$$ would bite too. Only thing I think that would hold them back is copy right issues and that is all.