If I hadn’t already built a T1 Police Shoot Out custom already I'd rather had gone with an accessory pack. If you've already got the Tech Noir version then you've already got the head, body, pants, and boots. The only other things you need in a accessory pack would be the Gargoyle Glasses (they'd have to be special made to fit the head), T-shirt, Leather biker jacket, a pair of full fingered gloves and the two weapons (AR-18 and the SPAS-12) and you've have it.
As for the T2 Cyberdyne Shoot out accessory pack, it should have been easy for Hot Toys they've already got half the pieces made, the grenade launcher, the mini gun, may be even the smoke grenade launcher, and plenty of black gloved hands. Most people who customized their own T-2 like me just got everything (but I got mine sets through a second party) from COO Models (Grenade launcher, grenade, bandolier, Mini gun, and weapons bag), except for the hands (EBay or trades) and had a custom Cyberdyn shoot out easy.
Now as for mid to half destroyed versions, yah I agree we'd need a second figure from Hot Toys for each, the Heads, Limbs, clothes, would all be completely different and have different stages of damage after the shoot out scenes were over . Different heads, hands, and possible clothes would need to be included.