Okay, well a couple of you guys just lost all credibility for me.
Tatum is shot down in the same scene he appears in, 10 minutes into the film, and has one whole line. That hardly seems fit to ruin an entire movie if you ask me. That annoying ass Nation's Pride 'actor' that DOES NOT GO AWAY from the entire second and third acts of IB however, made the film nearly unwatchable. He reminded me of the ******* older brother from Step Brothers. In fact, I was wondering if it was the same guy, doing the same performance.
And there is nothing wrong with Mann's camera work. He could take QT to school. Listen to a commentary from each filmmaker. The sheer level of thought and design put into each of Mann's films, characters, scenes, and arks is just staggering, where as Tarintino seems to have less values to share and rests on his popular image. Again, I'm a fan of both filmmakers, but back me up into a corner, and Pulp Fiction is no match for Heat, just as IB is none for PE.
And the digital stock, is just a stylistic choice. Might not be for everyone, but I rather enjoy his bold attempts to show me a film that looks different, and sets it apart from the pack. Again, a choice, kind of like IB's lead barely being in this snooze fest, or the whole plot revolving around something different every five scenes until it just ends on the only satisying moment since the last time we saw Pitt being a Basterd, which was about two hours ago at the front of the film.
Differing opinions are fine, but some of you are starting to get a little playground for me.
I'm about done with this ignorant thread. The figure is weak anyway.