Compared to $1k for a custom Joker outfit?
lol good job. I bought the Extinction outfit too. I can blag an extinction kitbash with the long haired after-life headsculpt but i couldnt really use it in place of a side combed blonde haired one :-/
i was, at the time quoted 500$ for the red dress. and boots
considering the complexity of the joker outfit VS the red dress, YES, I'd say that's ridiculously expensive.
granted, so's the joker outfit, but i'd say the dress was more-so.
Yeah, I know Abake wasn't thrilled with the "Contemporary Zombie Killer," but after I swapped out the ridiculously big-breasted body she came on, she was definitely a worthy addition to the collection. Especially at the $80 she initially was. If they've even come close to that quality here, I'll be more than happy.
As posted on toysdaily:
even without flash, that head looks pretty good.Have any of these MOFOs ever heard of flash?
As posted on toysdaily:
What's "flash"? You mean Flash?
As posted on toysdaily:
@STGCC by jhcj