Super Freak
The figure looks great w/ a lots of accessories included but I'm gonna pass on this one. Not really a fan of RE movie series.
No. No, it isn't. You need to apologize to the class now.It's on par with HT Blade. . .
here is your answer to a awesome milla sculpt.
problem lies with the eyes and face. if you think the right side still looks milla you need to get yourself a pair of specs
I think Hot Toys dropped the ball showcasing this today. Especially after Friday's teaser, we all thought you know who would show up today. It's a bit like expecting steak and being served a hamburger
Wish they made her from part 1 when she was normal. I like the sculpt tho.
This is exactly what I was thinking. The eyes are not quite right and is face too long. I image you used Photoshop to shrink the head and tweak the eyes? I can't figure out how Hot Toys can do solid male sculpts, but they can't get the females right. Whiplash is a perfect example. I think Abigail Whistler is the only female figure that came close.