BTW Why has this been moved to the Horror section?Isn't this supposed to be a Video game related collectible???
I said this was a purchase before when we saw pics of this figure nearly a year ago, and I haven't changed my mind. Damn... how can I fund all of these Hot Toys purchases...
I want the Ghost Rider w/Bike, Jack Sparrow DX, Thor, and now Alice. Eeep! I still even may get the Bad Michael Jackson since I have one put aside for me, and I may have to get Bruce Lee too.That way I can say I own every DX figure to date.
This thread not supposed to be in horror section all Resident Evil sould be in Video games section.
Impressive figure. I'm sure Hot Toys will make a note for some of the negative feeback regarding the head sculpt and will make the appropriate adjustments before the official release.
Im not sure im seeing what all the fuse is about with the likeness. Its 97% there and that is about as good as we are going to get. I don't see HT going back and tweeking the eyes or making the head sculpt longer. This figure looks really nice as is and im sure it will be around 169.00 So consider it Pre O'ed
Email and/or let Hot Toys know on their FB page. If enough people feel that way, they will take another look at it.
Mommy they didn't show me my supaman
the 'role' is iconic, Reeves' movies for the most part were not so great, except for Somewhere in Time. Sorry I have never been the biggest Superman fan, but I do love superhero movies and I have seen them, but the rabid fanaticism that is expressed here sometimes about the length of time between the announcement and then the reveal is a bit absurd. If anyone is upset about the lack of HT announcing Superman then express that in the HT Superman thread and leave the HT Alice thread to be discussed for what it is.