I understand that you don't like Destro. Perhaps the solution would be not to buy it.
I'm not buying this, not a fan of the design, but ...
... SS figure with eventual yellowing that could actually be prevented is better bang for the buck than SSC "Destro". ANYTIME. Except for Teemu.
I understand that you don't like Destro. Perhaps the solution would be not to buy it.
Still butt-hurt because I like the SSC Destro I see
It's beyond Destro, Teemu. It's you acting like the Joe authority. You feel okay telling people what you don't like about other Joe figures to the point of calling names like "Retardation" -- which is okay because you're free to do that, but you get so childish towards those who openly say that they don't dig the figure/s that you happen to like and that's what I don't get, to the point of "yeah? and you think that figure is better? blah blah". The forum's not one way, man. You call butt-hurt while it's your own butt that can't take a beating.
Seriously,I could care less what people like,why should you? people are going to like what they like regardless of what someone says
...and why care if people don't like something you do like? we all have our opinions and likes,but some feel the need to constantly call out my handle because I disagree with someone?...I hated GI Joe Retardation (So what?) you like it..(So what?).... my life goes on,so does yours
I don't really care either way. But you have said in the Destro thread how rubbish Destro is.
And in the Baroness thread.
Now in the Storm shadow thread.
We get it. You don't like Destro.
My apologies for getting to your nerves. I guess it wouldn't be less of an issue if I had a join date 5 years earlier and/or 5k more post count.
I don't really care either way. But you have said in the Destro thread how rubbish Destro is.
And in the Baroness thread.
Now in the Storm shadow thread.
We get it. You don't like Destro.
The masked one, haven't really used the unmasked head cause i like my ninjas hooded.Which head? The masked one or the mask-less one?
DUDE.... photos for this starving thread a b nice....
Pictures or it didn't happen .
Just a friendly reminder to folks who don't know this....
White colored material tends to stain into a yellow over time if you handle this bare handed. The reason I think it's really important to wear gloves when handling this one, is because I'm going to be reposing it about 100 times.
I just use those really thin see through kitchen gloves. 99 cents for 500 kinda thing. they work great.
Anyone looking to sell the unmasked head sculpt
Most people tend to keep the figure whole, even if there's a part they will never use.
Ebay might be your best bet.
Try and snipe on that's up for auction.
I am looking for one too so i can add a better head than the headplay one*Which is still quite good), to my "Paris Chase" SS.
yeah was watching some on ebay too hopefully we dont bid up each other lol, wanting to make my first custom with this from Bittersweet Life