This is such a great looking figure!!!
....if you're a 14 year old girl.
Enough with the gay jokes, cum on guys!
Ordered! Can't wait to see the flick!
Love the design! The price is a tad high, but with metal swords an two heads that actually look like the actor are a plus.
Sweeney Todd, Jack Sparrow, Indy, Bane, DX8-12, Avengers Cap, Luke, Red Skull, Snake...all look like the prototypes, or better in some cases. That's not saying they all have great likenesses, but none have looked worse than the prototype. Maybe slightly different paint applications, but not the sculpt itself.LOL...Did Hot Toys suddenly develope a reputation for the production copies being as good as the prototypes as far as the likeness goes?
Lots of names in this thread I've never seen before in the Joe forum.
The fact that sheep will get into a line in which they had no interest in the franchise prior just because HT makes them is pretty crazy.
The only sheep in the GI Joe threads are the regulars that cry that its the Hot Toys name that makes people say that these are nice figures. Where on Sideshows website does it have to say you have to be a life long fan of the franchise to buy it? Fanboys never seem to amaze me with how personal they take the silliest things in life.
Wonder if the swords cn be joined at the hilts like in the trailer
I'm not a fan of Joe, i saw the first film and thought it was alright, Storm & Snake were the highlight. I haven't given a second thought to the sequel until today
But this figure speaks to me, i've been looking over and over at the pics.
I've always loved white superhero costumes, even though Storm Shadow is a baddie. The masked head looks awesome and all the weapons too.
Not 100% if i'll get it, but i'm at at least 80% right now based on cool factor alone![]()
I might be more used to HT not getting sculpt likenesses as accurate as I'd want them to be, so when I see something as accurate as this, it's a nice change.
Sweeney Todd, Jack Sparrow, Indy, Bane, DX8-12, Avengers Cap, Luke, Red Skull, Snake...all look like the prototypes, or better in some cases. That's not saying they all have great likenesses, but none have looked worse than the prototype.
Could you point out some recent figures that look worse than the prototypes to back up your point? I can't think of any at the moment. Maybe you mean like Avengers Black Widow? I didn't really think the prototype was better in that case.