I'm thinking I may just keep the headsculpt from this one. Is there anyone looking for everything but the head?
I was under the assumption Dave outlawed popcorn eating Gifs... (why I typed it out)
What am I stubborn on? I said he has varying degrees of stache in the film, it's a fact. I'm not posting here with a definitive HE HAS LESS STACHE IN THE MOVIE THEREFORE ITS INAACURATE and completly ignore all evidence including the movie like you did.
The thread "moaned" over pics not what they saw in hand. Most of the people who complained changed their view after they got it in hand. Some havent, some people continue on even though they don't have one in hand.
Don't get mad at me just cause I called you on it. It's your own words.
Calling post counts into effect as a attempt to quiet me? Really? Do you have to be above a certain amount of posts to be allowed to bully people on their lack of posts?
Your frames were chosen at certain parts of the film that fit your view, that is hen pecking. Simple google search and scan of the images shows several parts of the movie where he has stache, and where he doesnt have stache. Or you could actually look at the links I posted, instead of lying about it.
Here just look at this one from the movie
or two
But I REALLY doubt you'll even bother since you are so deadlocked in your view.
You want to continue on let's take it to PMs. Till then I'm done beating my head against the wall that is your blindness.
Who's Dave? I'm new. Hehe
no PM's! Keep entertaining us!
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no PM's! Keep entertaining us!
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He's the owner / Head mod
Wait, so we really aren't allowed to use popcorn gifs? Ok I'll stop! >.<
Wait, so we really aren't allowed to use popcorn gifs? Ok I'll stop! >.<
To late. Where is the assistant to the mod Jeff?
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