Super Freak
he's not seriously doing another movie is he..?
Yup! Tis a sequel to a 90's scifi movie and it's not a big role from what I understand.
he's not seriously doing another movie is he..?
Thanks man! I like it better too. It'll look even better once I add the stubbles back in.The removal of the stache really makes it look more true to the film. I really hate they did what they did.
Thanks! I wouldn't say it was extremely difficult. It definitely was nerve-wrackingThat's so much better Ralph_Sutter. Tempted to give it a go myself! was it difficult to do?
I agree that the stache debate is hillarious. It can be argued night and day what is "movie accurate." Fact remains it isnt what we got. Maybe its because the figs didnt include a tiny Phillips Norelco? Just a guess but I bet that would have bumped the price up more. Maybe tiny Wolvy had a lazy shave day. I know I have those.
As for tiny Wolvys...Im glad Ralph's Logan shaved! Hot damn is that HS looking good, Ralph. Great work, my friend. The adjustments really make a difference. And I have to admit after seeing Ralph's photos I can see what people say about the jaw. I think it is the chops / beard. They tried to make it poofy or all Logan-like but it ends up looking like the HS has a wider jaw. I think his chin is also too wide and the bridge of the nose seems slightly too thick.
I think Ralph is def on the right track here. Im getting my fig tonight and plan to start my own HS mod right away. Im going for a very similar look to you, Ralph. I think Im going to try some more highlights on the nose and cheekbones and add some shadowing / lines around the mouth and jowels to deepen the Hugh grimace. Im aiming for more of X-1 or X-2 facial hair with the rugged facial look of the latest film. I get its a The Wolverine HS, but I dont care. Im going to thin the chin out more and see if I cant lighten up or warm up that dull tanned skin tone. It really looks like HT figures tan every day or are stuck in the tropics.
Thanks! I wouldn't say it was extremely difficult. It definitely was nerve-wracking![]()
I will just have to live with that I guess.
Boy I hope my untrained eyes don't fail me on my next movie posters design. I might end up putting a stash on Stephen Segal here.![]()
Haha, Ralph! You hit it on the head. More than anything I think its the dark / tan look that is ruining the look of this HS. The pudding comment is dead on. Its rediculous. The mouth area looks like he eats mud pies or something.
Keep up the work on yours. Its getting me ramped up for my own!
It only involved paint and paint remover I assume?
Ok guys, I think I've figured this out. Call me crazy, but I think the stache is NOT the biggest problem. He definitely has a stubble stache at points in the movie.
The problem is the REST OF THE BEARD. It looks like stubble, NOT a beard. Thus, the impression that the jaw is wider than it's supposed to be.
Also, it's not that he doesn't have a stache in the movie, it's that his stache is insignificant in comparison to the darkness and fullness of the chops! On the figure, the stache and chops are of identical visual value, making the stache more pronounced than it should be.
Wolvie's beard/chops is/are pretty bushy in the movie, but it just looks like 5 o clock shadow on the figure.
Ok guys, I think I've figured this out. Call me crazy, but I think the stache is NOT the biggest problem. He definitely has a stubble stache at points in the movie.
The problem is the REST OF THE BEARD. It looks like stubble, NOT a beard. Thus, the impression that the jaw is wider than it's supposed to be.
Also, it's not that he doesn't have a stache in the movie, it's that his stache is insignificant in comparison to the darkness and fullness of the chops! On the figure, the stache and chops are of identical visual value, making the stache more pronounced than it should be.
Wolvie's beard/chops is/are pretty bushy in the movie, but it just looks like 5 o clock shadow on the figure.
That's exactly what I did as well. I made the whole beard darker (especially the two side tufts on the chin) and I raised where it started to closer to the cheekbones.
The stock sculpt did it backwards. The mustache and the chin were super dark, where the rest of his beard was very light. Making his jaw look huge. Reversing that (darker beard, lighter chin and stach) fixes that issue.
Not questioning your eyesight. Pointing out your stubborn refusal to look at sources instead of hen picking to fit your view. You never said one way or another if you've seen the movie or if you looked at the links. From you dodging to answer and stating he has no stache in the links and the movie when he clearly does in the moutain man pics leads me to believe you have not looked at either.
Or maybe if you consider the mountain man look to be "no stache" then maybe you do need to get your eyes checked.
Thanks man! More progress tomorrow!
Yes, I totally stripped the whole mouth and chin region using non-aceton nail polish remover and then repainted that area. Here's a pic of where I was in the process of stripping the paint (before I repainted it):.
Of course I have seen the movie. Three times. I own the steal case edition with the Jock art.
Dude, you are a mere fifteen posts in and you are calling me stubborn? despite most of this very thread moaning about the stash being too heavy and me posting frame after frame in multiple key scenes where he does not have a tash is now as 'hen picking'??!
Fifteen posts in and you acting like this? Yeah, you will fit right in here!![]()