Excellent work there. Very impressive.
Excellent work there. Very impressive.
That's pretty damn good man.
Amazing what a little paint can do for the likeness of the hot toys The Wolverine sculpt. I just made the beard look thicker and removed the stache and flavor saver
I posted this how to in the show your customs wolverine thread so i will repost it here as well..
I used 93% alcohol and brushed it over the stache and wiped with q-tip. May take a couple times but dont let it sit too long. Brush and wipe quickly!
Then I mixed up a flesh tone using pea size drop of burnt sienna, raw sienna, titanium white and tiny drop of black. Water it down to a milky water. Apply several coats to mustache area.
Add some brown to mixture as needed to match hot toy tone. Then I added a small amount of grey chalk pastel for 5 o'clock shadow on lip. Same process for the flavor savor under lip.
After that I used some watered down mix of brown and black to darken the chops. Darker towards the bottom and around the whole beard to appear thicker.
Then cover the upper half of face.....so you don't lose the gloss on eyes.... and spray with a matte acrylic sealer
Hope that helps bud. It's pretty thick in the movie and the stock paint job make the beard look too much like stubble. It's actually sculpted pretty thick but the paint fails to utilize this.
Great repaint and fix right there.
Oh man, that looks much better.
very good and well done...I like the technique
Thank you guys!
I already complimented you on the other thread, but REALLY: Nicely done.
Although I think I am going to abandon my dreams of fixing the stache, because the way the lighting in my detolf is, you literally can't even tell it's there. I wish I was confident enough to darken up the chops, though...
here's my current wolverine!
View attachment 98495
Nice. Ninja fight Wolvie.
Nice. The Pilot's leather jacket?
Nice. The Pilot's leather jacket?