Hot Toys-MMS 220-The Wolverine-Wolverine 1/6th Scale Collectible Figure

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For those who are complaining about the body, keep in mind that this guy has 5 layers of clothing on him. And hugh jackman really bulked up since origins.
The real question we need to ask here is why HT decided to make the funeral scene/suit as the primary look, is the complete suit from coulson and all parts are recycled to lower RD?
For me they could just make the ninja battle coat and wife beater and tha'll be a more iconic wolverine than what we have now

Why indeed. I'll never get why they did that. I've got enough guys in black clothing on my shelf as it is.
I think they picked the suit because it was the most distinctive look he had in the movie that they didn't already do. Dude was either shirtless, in disgusting Grizzly Adams/wino mode, or had a very similar jacket and jeans look that they already did with the Origins figure.

While it would've been nice to have a more accurately vascular look with the body, I guess HT felt people weren't going to buy a figure that only came with swap out hands and a pair of pants :lol. It is really hard to get clothes to hang "realistically" on bulky bodies at this scale. If the body wasn't slim, it just wouldn't look "right" when our brains translate what our eyes are seeing.
Think I'm going to go for the look when he gets cleaned up and meets Yashida. Beater, open button up and jacket with the brown pants and boots. I already have the Jack Bauer black jacket to use so just need to find a proper denim looking button up. Or may just forego the shirt and use the beater and jacket.

This would have been the perfect opportunity to go DX with a new body with seamless arms.
Does anyone know if the Royce body is the same one used for Wolvie? It looks similar but a bit more buffer.

It looks like TTM 19 to me, alright.


(photo from cooltoyreview)

While you lucky people will be getting Wolverine soon, I'm sure it'll be a while before he gets to the UK.

So I'll keep myself busy deciding how to put the second one to use.

Wolverine #78 (Feb 1994) – “Deathstalk: A Test of Mettle”
Writer: Larry Hama; Penciller: Adam Kubert; Inker: Mark Farmer & Mike Sellers
A vampire by the name of Bloodscream remembers meeting the knife-wielding Logan on the black night of June 6, 1944 during the invasion of Normandy.

Wolverine #34 (Dec 1990) – “The Hunter in Darkness”
Writer: Larry Hama; Penciller: Marc Silvestri; Inker: Dan Green
Sgt. Doolin of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police reminisces about June 6, 1944. It was a moonless night over Ranville, Normandy when he and Corporal Logan were members of the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, jumping as an element of the 6th British Airborne Division during the D-Day invasion. Both got hung up on trees during the jump, but Logan freed himself with his Fairburn knife. When a patrol from the 21st Panzer-Grenadiers discovered the two of them, Logan killed the entire German patrol with only his big double-edged Fairburn knife (most probably a Fairbairn-Sykes dagger used by British commandos during World War II).

The best I could do at the moment is put Logan into the Canadian 1st Special Service Force (The Devil's Brigade) who were outfitted by the US with uniforms, equipment and weapons.

Alpha Flight #33 (Apr 1986) – “A Friend in Need”
Writer: Bill Mantlo, Penciler: Sal Buscema, Inker: Gerry Talaoc
In conversation with Heather McDonald, Logan reveals that he was wounded while in the Devil’s Brigade during “the War.”
Wolverine #176 (Jul 2002) – “The Logan Files, Epilogue”
Writer: Frank Tieri; Penciler: Sean Chen; Inker: Norm Rapmund
In a near-death experience, Logan remembers seeking the camaraderie of the Devil’s Brigade in the Canadian Army.

Wolverine: Origins #17 (Nov 2007) – “Our War, Part 2”
Writer: Daniel Way; Artist: Steve Dillon
In referencing the U.S. declaration of war on Japan and Germany after the Pearl Harbor attack of December 7, 1941, Logan mentions that Canada had already been at war with Germany for two years. Logan further explains, “Even though I was marchin’ under the Canadian flag, I wasn’t exactly a Canadian soldier. My orders, though they came through the Canadian military, originated from somewhere else. We were called the Devil’s Brigade… an’ just like in the First World War, we did the Devil’s work. Also like in WWI, Cyber was my commanding officer.”
There are two major problems with the assertion that Logan fought against the Germans as early as 1939. First, Canadian troops did not see any action until the Dieppe Raid in August 1942, and for most Canadian troops, not until the summer of 1943. Second, there was a historical Devil’s Brigade that fought in World War II, a joint American-Canadian commando unit. The 1,800 strong First Special Service Force was founded on July 9, 1942 and trained in parachute, ski, mountain and amphibious mountain techniques near Helena, Montana. The Devil’s Brigade spearheaded the 1943 invasion of Kiska in the Aleutian Islands and led the breakout in Anzio during the first half of 1944. In order to accommodate the assertions made in this issue, we need to treat this ‘Devil’s Brigade’ as a different top secret force, running missions clandestinely before the rest of the Canadian military engaged in combat.

Logan #2 (Jun 2008)
Writer: Brian K. Vaughn; Artist: Eduardo Risso
Logan reveals to a Japanese woman that the men in the barracks called him, “badger, ferret, skunk. Said a real woman would never make time with someone who’s all hair and stink,” like him. Perhaps the camaraderie he desperately sought was not to be found in the Devil’s Brigade.

Wolverine/Hercules: Myths, Monsters & Mutants #1 (May 2011)
Writer: Frank Tieri; Art: Juan Roman Cano Santacruz
Wolverine and Hercules reminisce about the days shortly before the occupation of France when Hercules, posing as the Sub-Mariner, battled a Nazi robot in the streets of Paris and unwittingly provided Logan with the diversion he needed to assassinate a Nazi bigwig. As the invasion of France did not commence until May 10, 1940, Logan needs to have run this top secret mission while with the Devil’s Brigade.

Wolverine #1000 (Apr 2011) – “Last Ride of the Devil’s Brigade”
Writer: Rick Spears; Artist: Timothy Green
On April 28, 1945 over German airspace, Logan and a group of American commandos are shot out of the sky by a squadron of German Focke Wulfs. His parachute in flames, Logan uses his claws to catch hold of one of the attacking fighter planes, kills the pilot and takes control of the German craft. The only Allied survivor, Logan ditches his stolen transport and kills a passing German motorcyclist, driving off with the bike and making for a heavily fortified installation that his mission claims is housing Germany’s super soldier program. As Logan infiltrates the facility, American planes bomb from above and Logan unwittingly flees into the path of an oncoming German tank, forcing Logan to spend a day recuperating from effects of the bombing and the tank. By the evening of April 30th, Walpurgis night, Logan slips back into what remains of the installation and finds a scared German woman standing guard. Logan tells her to go home to her family, but she surprises him and plunges a knife into his chest. With a hint of regret, Logan kills her with his claws and slips into the basement of the facility, witnessing a Nazi scientist transform a decorated German soldier into a werewolf. Logan and the werewolf fight, but the werewolf’s claws prove to be more effective. Logan finally rips a medal from around the werewolf’s neck and fatally stabs him with the commendation made of silver. Before Logan can kill off the scientist, Nick Fury arrives and tells the corporal to stand down, as the U.S. has need of scientists for the coming battle with the Soviets what with Captain America and Bucky dead at the hands of Baron Zemo.

Here's a test fitting of the Dragon (DML) Danny 82nd Airborne uniform on a TTM19:

I think if I started kitbashing Logans from different eras... I wouldn't be able to stop with just one :lol

That is a problem!

He's been around for so long and done so much that there are just too many options.

Hoping to get the Ex Figures 'Wolfman' as well (which may come with two sculpts) so I might have four bodies and four heads...

I also tried the Sideshow Raiders Indiana Jones clothes on the TTM19 after being reminded on this look:


The trousers fit just fine. The shirt fits, but it is a little tight. The jacket looked bad, but then I didn't like that jacket on the SS Indy itself.

He's the best at what he does -- and he does a lot! I'm actually loving all the custom Logans in the Show Your Custom Wolverine thread.

I'd forgotten that thread existed. I remember there were so many great bashes and customs and I'm going to have to revisit it catch up.

HeubertMichael said:
Logan's a living, breathing Swiss Knife!

A good description! :lol
