Super Freak
Nice nice nice Jacerc.
Nice nice nice Jacerc.
Very nice, that looks great!
I was shocked to see for how much WS is going for to be honest and I definitely wouldn't have him now if I hadn't found him for 250 by luck.
Well, I really think the price is due to all the accessories he comes with. I mean, CW Bucky only comes with 1 head sculpt and the rifle plus a few hands. :/ That's really not much. When I thought of getting one I soon came to the realisation that it's either WS or none and I guess I'm not the only one. Needless to say that I got the CW one on preorder too now coz it's Bucky and the other is the WS.
Maybe they still can make a flash back version. That would be cool.
Yep, this guy was hanging around for a long time. I think there was suddenly a demand for it after CW due to his prominent role, or at least after the CW Bucky figure was revealed. CW I believe made him more popular than he was in TWS and quite frankly, there's just a lot more accessories with TWS figure than the CW figure. For those who only want one Bucky/TWS figure in their collection, many I think are siding with TWS figure for the aforementioned reason. There's also some that could simply prefer his TWS outfit over his CW outfit.
It's probably just me but aside from accessories and outfit it also depends on which character you want in your collection, in a way. I mean, I loved TWS movie and when I think of the Winter Soldier, I remember that scene where he drops from that bridge like a ton of bricks and crashed that car's roof, mask on and all deadly before doing the murder strut. That was like ... wow. You don't get that with CW Bucky coz he feels completely different. So to me it's kinda like, do I want Bucky or that jaw dropping, deadly WS? ^^
I honestly thought that I'd be fine with just the WS and could easily get the CW head sculpt to get the Bucky look but truth be told, that one would never be just Bucky to me and I'd hate not to be able to use the mask or smoky eyes head. ^^" Dunno if that makes sense.
And yeah, I agree, Bucky had loads of awesome and badass scenes in CW and if Hot Toys ever decided to do a civil clothes Bucky on a motorbike, I'd preorder that in a heartbeat. But while scenes like that were badass, they're different from TWS. I mean, he tries not to kill anyone and he even moves differently. He doesn't land like a stone anymore but actually tries not to minimize damage to his bones and such when jumping from heights.That WAS a great moment, and then he rang Cap's shield like a bell. What a badass However IMO Bucky had plenty of badass moments in CW, so I don't think this second figure reduces him in any way.
Oh most definitely! That's why I'm getting both. ^^'' ahaha Can't wait till my WS can finally sport his mask. I can't put it on him right now coz I can't for the life of me bring myself to cover up that beautiful face. XD
My face looks like that in the morning when I forgot to remove the make-up the other night. XDYeahhh, Bucky's face is pretty much exactly how I look whenever I attempt to do a smokey eye. Makeup is harder than it looks.
That WAS a great moment, and then he rang Cap's shield like a bell. What a badass However IMO Bucky had plenty of badass moments in CW, so I don't think this second figure reduces him in any way.
I do regret not having the mask tho. That mask was.... yeah. And CW does not have the smoky eyemakeup. Drat. Really liked that look.
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He's easily awesome enough, right?