Super Freak
Try and heat it up and then since down in it and hold it until it cools. Glue is a good last resort.
Next up is to do proper shoulder straps for the duty pack.
I found several of theses rifle slings on eBay that should do the trick. I just need to weather them and add buckles, rivets, and a couple d-rings.
They will partially sit in between and under both the shoulder bells, and the shoulder portion of the chest armor. A fair portion will stick out in back just before they attach to the top of the pack frame.
You can’t really see if they have these nicer padded straps in any of the hi-def screen grabs from ANH, but you can (barely) see that there is some buckles and hardware in a couple scenes. The Jedha Patrol troops also have padded straps for their duty packs in R1, so it’s in continuity even if you cannot clearly see them in ANH.
Something else of note is that all of the more advanced, accuracy obsessed Sandtrooper cosplayers all add these padded shoulder straps to their life size duty packs. So wether they are 100% accurate or not, they look amazing, add a level of detail and realism and are in-line with real life military gear, so it works for me.
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The shoulder bells might stick off to the side with straps that wide and thick. I live the accuracy...will be following results.
Damn, that’s some painstaking attention to minute details. Very nice.
Here’s what I was working on tonight.
Before starting on this project I did a lot of research, and I found that Hot Toys is way off base with the leather MP40 ammo pouches. So I’m customizing some more accurate ammo pouches. I have to weather them, and make the white thread black, and you can see where I removed some stitching, but I think I can fix that with some decent weathering. They should look a little beaten up.
My customized ammo pouch on the left, and the stock, Hot Toys pouch is on the right.
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If anyone is looking for extra Hot Toys Sandtrooper Helmer’s I have a bunch I’m willing to sell. Some are weathered a tad more the original, some have had weathering reduced, for variant purposes.
The shoulder bells might stick off to the side with straps that wide and thick. I live the accuracy...will be following results.
Yeah, the width of these particular straps concerns me a bit, I may have to modify them to be 2/3 the width they currently are.
outstanding custom work!