Hot Toys - MMS 295 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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SSC's Deluxe Sandtrooper is 4 years old and this is a significant upgrade. They're all long sold out, so this is "stepping on their toes" how? By giving Sideshow a nice cut on distribution for the thousands they'll sell direct and via distribution in NA? I'm sure SSC is crying all the way to the bank!

You're going to realize you're wasting your breath. :)

I'm pretty sure HT are doing precisely what most people expected them to do, release products that have long ago been sold out from Sideshow. Plus Chewbacca of course, which SSC hadn't produced in 1/6 and showed no signs of interest. And more importantly, what they're not doing is competing with Sideshow by releasing the same figures at the same time - which along with being predicted/expected by a lot of folks, was something also confirmed by both HT and Sideshow. This is all the exact opposite of stepping on toes. It's clear signs of a partnership, if it wasn't enough that they have announced contracts to distribute each other's properties.

That said, the Sandtroopers do look amazing. Gonna skip them as I prefer the Storm/Spacetroopers, but they are impressive.

I need a couple for another display, so I hope they have an additional variant in the pipeline.
A question for the variant experts. Have HT produced a specific sand trooper here in terms of the curved brow, the backpack and the gun?

Yes it's a specific trooper.

I need a couple for another display, so I hope they have an additional variant in the pipeline.

Yeah, while Hot Toys only have this one very unique Sandtrooper I'll be keeping my Sideshow Sandtroopers. Would have been nice to get a two pack including a generic Sandy as the second. The single release could have been the generic trooper giving an incentive to get the two pack for the unique sergeant.
You're going to realize you're wasting your breath. :)

I'm pretty sure HT are doing precisely what most people expected them to do, release products that have long ago been sold out from Sideshow. Plus Chewbacca of course, which SSC hadn't produced in 1/6 and showed no signs of interest. And more importantly, what they're not doing is competing with Sideshow by releasing the same figures at the same time - which along with being predicted/expected by a lot of folks, was something also confirmed by both HT and Sideshow. This is all the exact opposite of stepping on toes. It's clear signs of a partnership, if it wasn't enough that they have announced contracts to distribute each other's properties.

I need a couple for another display, so I hope they have an additional variant in the pipeline.

I agree, however, things may get more interesting when TFA figures start to be previewed. At least we'll get an indication of how co-ordinated their releases actually are!
Obviously bought.

What I'm really curious about is the other two and if they'll do the different backpacks. I'm thinking they probably will.

Wait...2016? Somebody wake me when that rolls around. :sleep
I need a couple for another display, so I hope they have an additional variant in the pipeline.

I think it's safe to say they've gone Iron Man on the Star Wars Stormtroopers and I'm all the happier for it.
While I don't foresee 40 variants on this one, a good three or four more would be just perfect. A couple of Sandtroopers and ESB and ROTJ Stormies.
I think it's safe to say they've gone Iron Man on the Star Wars Stormtroopers and I'm all the happier for it.

I don't think they'll ever quite go Iron Man. That's up to 80 releases now if info I just saw on Facebook is correct. :)
Damn you, Rory, can't believe you're still going on about this! :lol

SSC's Deluxe Sandtrooper is 4 years old and this is a significant upgrade. They're all long sold out, so this is "stepping on their toes" how? By giving Sideshow a nice cut on distribution for the thousands they'll sell direct and via distribution in NA? I'm sure SSC is crying all the way to the bank!

As for R5 and X-Wing Luke, I could see HT doing Luke but R5... I'll buy SSC's on that b/c I'm not 100% sure R5 will get on HT's radar. If it does, eh. It's a $120.00 figure (with coupon!) that will pay for itself by having it on display for a couple years.

That said, the Sandtroopers do look amazing. Gonna skip them as I prefer the Storm/Spacetroopers, but they are impressive. Hope Luke and Leia are right around the corner!

It's because *certain* people on this forum said that this would not happen. And pissed on anyone who said it would. And come on, if there is one area that Sideshow held closely it was Star Wars troopers, all colours, all flavours, all variants. Maybe they will really just become distributers at some point.

So certain they were.... mmmmmm....
Only Sith deal in absolutes.

Can't decide on the space trooper, bought shadow and 2 HT stories already. But I love them...
So, where are non-US collectors getting their HT figures from these days? I got my Stormies from SS, but there must be a cheaper way.
Looks good! I'm impressed HT made a unique helmet for the Sandies, although like someone mentioned before, it would be good if that black band across the forehead was adjustable. That way you could buy a couple and have them be a little different instead of all the Sandies having the same weathering and sloppy head gear.

It's good that they included the little floater, but what always bothered me about its inclusion in the movies is that the design and look was so "un"-1977-Star-Wars. It looked like something out of anime, which was just starting to gain popularity in the US back when the SE's were being released. It makes the addition stand out even more.

Anyway, I'll be passing on this since I've got other figures that take priority. Still happy with my Sideshow Sandie.
I'm trying but I can't find any online sellers. Are there any non-eBay alternatives?

Timcent on eBay is 100% reliable. He will get stuff shipped to you the day after it releases in HK. And generally costs about the same as it costs buying from Sideshow (duty, shipping etc).
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS295 - Star Wars: Episode IV - Sandtrooper Collectible Figure

Looks fantastic IMO. Bought. Another Sideshow figure to try and offload on eBay. :lol

Exactly! I've since unloaded my SS figures back in their prime values and glad I did too. This is a welcome upgrade and while I never thought HT would get the license, I'm glad I sold them off because this is cohesive to my collection. Though I did keep the Jabba set. Don't think HT would do it at least for a long time.
I agree, however, things may get more interesting when TFA figures start to be previewed. At least we'll get an indication of how co-ordinated their releases actually are!

SS doesn't have the TFA license. Only Anovos and HT do, other than Hasbro of course.
I don’t have a long Hot Toys list

BD Robocop
Returns Batman
After that their is nothing scheduled to purchase. I don’t want to go to Star Wars heavy (even though I am a huge fan – it started the man I am today), but Sandtrooper “might” be sitting on that fourth spot. I do know that when Ripley becomes available, Sandtroooper will get knocked off.

I have been collecting Star Wars figures all my life. I think when it comes to the 1/6 scale Im going to give it a back seat and not collect to many.