Hot Toys - MMS 295 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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On Ebay, they were over $230 selling, now they are below $180 and they will continue to drop especially if SDCC shows off the other 3...

I just missed an orange one that went for $150. Not sure if that's the rarer one or not.
The Corporal (black) is the rarest...only 3000...was the Sideshow Stores Exclusive...
Who would buy a SS stormtrooper now that HT have released theirs (which are way better imo).

Exactly. So far all you guys wanting to unload your SSC Sandies, I'm offering $150 (plus shipping to US address) right now for Desert Sands and Squad Leader pair. That's PAIR, both of them. Should have all accessories and boxes.
So I'm wanting to get this awesome Sand Trooper, but am new to the collecting scene. Have a few questions;
1). I want to maximise any saving I can get. Any tips on how best to do this ?
2). Are the monthly codes I have seen only for pre-order or non-preorder figures ?
3). Do Sideshow do Black Friday ?
4). Does anyone think that these will run long past pre-order ?

1. The only way I know of this is to be patient and wait for a sale/good price on ebay or secondary market. But then you risk the item selling out. It is the game we collectors all play.

2. There are codes from SSC but most are on specific items and that are in stock.

3. Sideshow does sales around the holidays...but again usually for in stock items.

4. No one can really tell you this, it is just a guess. But usually popular items can sell out at pre-order. Also people cancel and pre-orders get opened up again.
For example, the IM Mk43 seemed to be hot and pre-sell out in many stores, then when it came closer to release they started to become available again.
The definitive SSC coupon/codes/savings thread:

1. There is, with limited exception, a $20 coupon from Sideshow every month (around mid-month)
2. Monthly coupons are applicable to everything in the store, including pre-orders so long as they went up for sale 2 months or more prior (very infrequent exceptions to this as noted on the fine print for the specific coupon)
3. Black Friday sale is usually a waste of time and only for things that haven't sold well - you'll definitely see plenty of HT figures bing discounted heavily, just don't count on them being SW
4. The chances of HT SW figures selling out during pre-order are so close to ZERO you may as well not even consider it
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I don't think I'll sell my SSC Sandtroopers. And even if I did, I'd keep the parts I wanted from them before selling the figures. I did this with my HT Predators and got excellent prices. SSC figures have their issues, but some parts are quite cool. I'm curious how the HT rifles will compare to SSC ones, and also the backpacks. So far the E-11 from SSC is better than HT.
Thanks for the reply guys. Looks like we'll need as much savings as possible as I just read on the Hot Toys Site that they will show some "The Force Awakens" figures by year end ! (Probably after the movie release, but still going to have to rationalise which figures when)
Exactly. So far all you guys wanting to unload your SSC Sandies, I'm offering $150 (plus shipping to US address) right now for Desert Sands and Squad Leader pair. That's PAIR, both of them. Should have all accessories and boxes.

Good luck with those prices, they go way way high on ebay :/
On Ebay, they were over $230 selling, now they are below $180 and they will continue to drop especially if SDCC shows off the other 3...

The SSC Sandie figures will drop to a certain point, but not below that. Do not expect to get them for free anytime soon.
Good luck with those prices, they go way way high on ebay :/

That's the point I was making earlier. ;) They're unlike to stabilize at a very low price. There may be the odd super-deal, just like there's the odd super-high sale.

But I'll raise my price. $200 for 2.
Just pre-ordered from my local dealer. He even gave me $20 dollars off because the price he first mentioned was $20 lower than they will end up charging.

Ended up at about $290.
I don't think I'll sell my SSC Sandtroopers. And even if I did, I'd keep the parts I wanted from them before selling the figures. I'm curious how the HT rifles will compare to SSC ones, and also the backpacks. So far the E-11 from SSC is better than HT.

Interesting tactic. I was almost going to jump on the bandwagon and list all 4 of my SSC sandies... but the truth is, there is no rush. I mean they haven't even announced the others. They will, I'm sure of it, but there's time. In the mean time we can see how the new squad leader compares to the old. Obviously the body will be better, my sandies fall over like drunk clumsy bastards. But maybe that makes them more movie accurate?

While we're on the topic... does anyone else absolutely hate the Sandtrooper backpack accessories? GOSH, the little antenna piping thing and the lower piping with the little radar dish majiggy they fall off every time I touch the figure. I've come so close to super gluing them on.. but not worth it. Also the pack straps SUCK. So clumsy. It looks like a REALLY nice pack but as far as functionality goes it gets a D- it's almost comedic how you will put one thing on and another falls off. They should've went magnetic like the later pack that I think came with the desert sands detachment. NO STRAPS, just magnets. I would do that too if I didn't already know HT has theirs on the way. I just hate permanently altering a figure. I mean we shouldn't have to, I don't mine the futzing, but it shouldn't come down to having to permanently modify something. All four sandies are fantastic with the bodies and backpack functionality aside, I hope HT will come through with learning from that.

PS anyone wanna buy all 4 sandies? lulzz
I thought HT had made the weapons for SSC figures like the clones & sandies? I thought I remember hearing that in reviews of the figures? That was of course before they had the SW license. Therefore, I thought we may see some of the same weapons for HT sandies that we saw with SSC sandies. Am I completely mistaken??
That, or badly interpreted :p

I always thought that it was

I thought HT had made the weapons for SSC figures like the clones & sandies? I thought I remember hearing that in reviews of the figures? That was of course before they had the SW license. Therefore, I thought we may see some of the same weapons for HT sandies that we saw with SSC sandies. Am I completely mistaken??

Nope, I remember hearing/reading that as well. Couldn't tell you where though. I always thought it a little suspect about the bodies since the HT bodies are what everyone else are compared to and the SSC bodies are worthless, but that's the prevailing thought here.

AFAIK Hot Toys only ever gave Sideshow some really bad advice on how to make a 1/6 body. ;)

Best.Prank.Ever. :rotfl
I'll say that Hot Toys may want to look at some of the improvements that Soldier Story have incorporated on their bodies though WRT articulation. I'm very impressed with the two I just picked up, especially the shoulders and knees.
I'll say that Hot Toys may want to look at some of the improvements that Soldier Story have incorporated on their bodies though WRT articulation. I'm very impressed with the two I just picked up, especially the shoulders and knees.

what did you pickup? I have 5 of the 82nd airbornes that I rekitted with 101st gear and swapped parts and heads to make a small squad; sniper, LMG, HMG, riflemen and a squad leader :D
I thought HT had made the weapons for SSC figures like the clones & sandies? I thought I remember hearing that in reviews of the figures? That was of course before they had the SW license. Therefore, I thought we may see some of the same weapons for HT sandies that we saw with SSC sandies. Am I completely mistaken??

SSC weapons have been awesome since day one so not sure why they'd need Ht for that. So they get HT help with weapons and not headsculpts.:slap:lol