Hot Toys - MMS 295 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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So while on the topic of Budget Stark. I just had a look at his video of still shots for the Sandtrooper. The gun accessories look awesome. However what is that single black bag for ? It's sitting directly in front of the base sign ? Not shown on the Sideshow pics....Any ideas ?
So while on the topic of Budget Stark. I just had a look at his video of still shots for the Sandtrooper. The gun accessories look awesome. However what is that single black bag for ? It's sitting directly in front of the base sign ? Not shown on the Sideshow pics....Any ideas ?

Sideshow's Accessories description lists -
Three (3) pouches

I think the figure in the vid is wearing two of them (both on opposite shoulder to pauldron), and the third is the one you are looking at, in front of the base.
Re: Budget Stark - "First Look" Sandtrooper prototype on display at Secret Base

...However, in the interests of balance.. I dislike incessant spam threads about figures that don't exist yet, created because the thread starter wants to have the 'kudos' of having started the thread if/when a figure is announced twelve months from now.. yet 'Vaporware' thread spamming doesn't attract the level of whining Budget Stark does, go figure...
Yep, agree completely and hate those threads (though I don't go into said threads and snivel about it). See the thread was amalgamated into the general Sandtrooper thread. Chalk up another one to the 'whiney little *****' constituency of the forum. ;)
Re: Budget Stark - "First Look" Sandtrooper prototype on display at Secret Base

so not actually spamming.. just a thread post for each new release, allowing collectors to see the latest figure / prototypes etc as soon as they launch at Secret Base.. I like Budget Stark's vids and I have absolutely zero problem with them getting a thread to alert me to the new figure / prototype release.

However, in the interests of balance.. I dislike incessant spam threads about figures that don't exist yet, created because the thread starter wants to have the 'kudos' of having started the thread if/when a figure is announced twelve months from now.. yet 'Vaporware' thread spamming doesn't attract the level of whining Budget Stark does, go figure.

Perhaps some of the comments about Budget Stark videos, relate rather more to issues a few people apparently have with Anthony, rather than the content of his threads...

If that is the case, those individuals should jog on.. no-one is forcing them to watch Budget Stark videos.

just dropped in SB today to see those sandtroopers prototype,
they are gorgeous! whethering job is spot on, and i like the big guns!
ordered 2 of them! :rotfl

sand 1.jpg
sand 2.jpg
*whistles* Damn, that's such a nice figure. Gonna be tough to resist. Really love all the gear, especially the binocs.
Yes, awesome pics, really nice. I'm wondering what the SDCC HT SW Exclusive will be? Perhaps an exclusive Sandtrooper? White or Black Pauldron?
Yes. It's extremely easy for them to do, and anybody who wants this one, will want that one too. But, I'll guess we'll find out soon enough...
Looks gorgeous!

Dont think they will offer a variant as an exclusive on this one, since its clearly marketed as the squad leader. Makes more sense to sell the variants seperately.
They will release all 3 variants for sure. We already got the Squad leader with orange pauldron and HT will definitely make the black and white pauldrons as well. Don't think they will make any exclusive, will be crazy on their side to lose money (an exclusive accessory to a trooper is another thing - SSC offered Sauron's ring :)). Space trooper - a barely known character - is much different than Sandtroopers IMO.
They will release all 3 variants for sure. We already got the Squad leader with orange pauldron and HT will definitely make the black and white pauldrons as well. Don't think they will make any exclusive, will be crazy on their side to lose money (an exclusive accessory to a trooper is another thing - SSC offered Sauron's ring :)). Space trooper - a barely known character - is much different than Sandtroopers IMO.

Yes, but convention exclusives aren't what they used to be. You can obtain them on the internet. Most, Like the Hot Toys Spacetrooper, aren't even at the convention. So, they could easily do that with the Sandtrooper (Black and/or White Pauldron). But, who knows? I don't care what they call them, Just want to see the other two soon.
I realize that they probably will release a Sandtrooper with a different pauldron eventually but it's sort of too bad Hot Toys didn't just include interchangeable ones with this figure. It seems a bit silly to make another full figure with just that changed (if they decide to go that route) when a lot of people will likely buy more than one of these anyways and aside from pauldrons there aren't much differences between the Sandies.
I realize that they probably will release a Sandtrooper with a different pauldron eventually but it's sort of too bad Hot Toys didn't just include interchangeable ones with this figure. It seems a bit silly to make another full figure with just that changed (if they decide to go that route) when a lot of people will likely buy more than one of these anyways and aside from pauldrons there aren't much differences between the Sandies.

SSC did the exact same thing with their Sandies.
2 extra pauldrons packed in would probably equate to an extra $20 - $30 per figure these days.
Personally I wouldn't buy multiples of this guy because aside from the pauldron, the weathering will be the same across multiples and that would bug me. Apparently there are also helmet/armour details amongst the Sandies that differed and I'd expect HT to recreate, given their attention to detail thus far.