OOOOHHHH, would love to see the results of your work, ZE_501. Can you help re-direct? This is exactly what's needed on the HT troopers. They are too bulky.
I saw the photos with the troopers with new bodies. Much improved. Nice work!
Just getting to this, thanks!
By now I've done over a dozen mods and customs with Marmits and Hot Toys stormtroopers; there are photos scattered between the Show Us Your Troops and HT Stormtrooper threads several times over but I have no idea where; over time I sold almost all of them on while figuring out my "ultimate" pieces. To be honest, I think I like working on them more than owning them.
However...the modded troopers I'm working on
now will finally be for me and an ANH Vader. I've mixed and matched parts, practiced weathering, and tried various bodies and I'm almost there.
My favourite combination is Hot Toys armour with Marmit Helmets and Sideshow weapons. I prefer the tapered shin armour from Marmit, but the "sniper-plate" on the HT armour is miles ahead of the Marmit one-piece sculpt, so I may end up using that for TKs. Some subtle weathering is a must, and I like arranging the armour and helmets so they're not uniform between troopers, as in ANH most were not identical. Using slimmer, less "built" bodies than HT provides is important for the look.
I am very interested in getting my hands on the Hot Toys Sandtrooper as that helmet has me intrigued.
As these bashes will involve some re-painting, everything remains a WIP at this time.