Hot Toys - MMS 295 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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I think the distance between the frown/mouth and the end of the mask above the vocoder direct speaker is smaller. That gives the allision that the nose bridge is longer.
I think the distance between the frown/mouth and the end of the mask above the vocoder direct speaker is smaller. That gives the allision that the nose bridge is longer.

Took a while but I see what you mean. Thanks! Glad this isn't an exclusive. I want to get 2.
I'll stick to one of these but definately get more than one of the variants.
I'm sure they will release the others after we buy these guys, bought two just so my displays look balanced. I'm hoping someone pieces these out...would be happy just to buy the helmets and forearms.
I'm interested in each of the 3 possible HT Sandies: orange (pre-ordered already), black and white. Then together with the Marmit I'll have 4 Sandies - my Medi is displayed elsewhere.
Exactly the opposite: no decals were used in ANH for Stormtrooper helmets, everything was hand painted. Decals started in ESB, where they added them even on top of hand painted details from the old ANH lids.

Ok. Cool. Thanks. I had no idea. Every trooper I've talked to says it's more accurate for an ANH TROOPER to have decals and Sandtrooper to be painted. Good to know. Is that info on the FISD? I know some guys go all out for their suits to be accurate and achieve a certain status.
OOOOHHHH, would love to see the results of your work, ZE_501. Can you help re-direct? This is exactly what's needed on the HT troopers. They are too bulky.

I saw the photos with the troopers with new bodies. Much improved. Nice work!

Just getting to this, thanks! :duff

By now I've done over a dozen mods and customs with Marmits and Hot Toys stormtroopers; there are photos scattered between the Show Us Your Troops and HT Stormtrooper threads several times over but I have no idea where; over time I sold almost all of them on while figuring out my "ultimate" pieces. To be honest, I think I like working on them more than owning them.

However...the modded troopers I'm working on now will finally be for me and an ANH Vader. I've mixed and matched parts, practiced weathering, and tried various bodies and I'm almost there.

My favourite combination is Hot Toys armour with Marmit Helmets and Sideshow weapons. I prefer the tapered shin armour from Marmit, but the "sniper-plate" on the HT armour is miles ahead of the Marmit one-piece sculpt, so I may end up using that for TKs. Some subtle weathering is a must, and I like arranging the armour and helmets so they're not uniform between troopers, as in ANH most were not identical. Using slimmer, less "built" bodies than HT provides is important for the look.

I am very interested in getting my hands on the Hot Toys Sandtrooper as that helmet has me intrigued.

As these bashes will involve some re-painting, everything remains a WIP at this time.

I agree about the shins.

You're feedback was great, I love working on them too. I've done the same with my Marmits. Although reprinting is a pain with my awful airbrush.

I look forward to seeing your work.
Ok. Cool. Thanks. I had no idea. Every trooper I've talked to says it's more accurate for an ANH TROOPER to have decals and Sandtrooper to be painted. Good to know. Is that info on the FISD? I know some guys go all out for their suits to be accurate and achieve a certain status.

501st info is good to a certain point. But if you want more accuracy regarding helmets try Star Wars Helmets and especially Stormtrooper helmets section: Original Stormtrooper Helmets and Armor Sub Menu
I'm interested in each of the 3 possible HT Sandies: orange (pre-ordered already), black and white. Then together with the Marmit I'll have 4 Sandies - my Medi is displayed elsewhere.

I'll probably end up with 1 orange, 1 black and two white. If I don't cave and buy two orange ones :)

I've already paid in full, come on and release this one. :)
All the people who poo poo differences between what you see on screen are off base. Everyone knows there are slight variations in the gear based on who the manufacturer is. Also since Sandtroopers seem more battle hardened, they may choose to use some of their older issue gear instead of the fancy latest gear that the newbie Stormtroopers are kitted with. Also would Troopers at one part of the universe get the same gear as Troopers in another system?

Since this is a movie I think my explanation is plausible.
Tony Cheung (eBay seller) has this listed as "in stock within 1 week." He is Typically reliable for releases (Luke /Storm Trooper disguise being an exception).

If true, Fett and Leia will be the remaining OT pieces to be released. Hopefully meaning other OT announcements on the foreseeable horizon....
Tony Cheung (eBay seller) has this listed as "in stock within 1 week." He is Typically reliable for releases (Luke /Storm Trooper disguise being an exception).

If true, Fett and Leia will be the remaining OT pieces to be released. Hopefully meaning other OT announcements on the foreseeable horizon....

Can't wait to see new pictures of this when it's released!

I'm hoping for more announcements aswell besides the TFA ones. They seem to be churning out troopers so I'm hoping for a Snowtrooper/commander. But I'm also hoping for more Imperials (Emperor, Tarkin, Imperial officers). And of course the other Sandtrooper variants.

And some rebels for those that don't have a focus on Imperials. :)
I really want this figure but at $300 + CAN. It makes it very hard to pull the trigger on any HT. It's not a complaint it's reality!
Man, if this is coming for Xmas too I'd be so happy.

Spacetrooper, Sandtrooper, Vader, Luke.... :yess:

Definitely seems like HT is trying to clear out the OT promises to make room for the TFA madness to come.