Yea...Leia and Fett the only two OT figs left....wonder the odds seeing them before end of the year
Tony Cheung (eBay seller) has this listed as "in stock within 1 week." He is Typically reliable for releases (Luke /Storm Trooper disguise being an exception).
If true, Fett and Leia will be the remaining OT pieces to be released. Hopefully meaning other OT announcements on the foreseeable horizon....
Bring on the new pictures!![]()
Where did you get the Sandtrooper release in Hong Kong today info ? I have a friend in China at the moment. If this is true I need to contact them. Please let me know. Any link ??
Where did you get the Sandtrooper release in Hong Kong today info ?
Someone on FB said they heard it's set for release tomorrow.
My sister's friend's twin's aunt's dog on her grandmother's side can confirm this.
Yeah, people were all over the Leia posts from HT last night posting pics of Drax.
HT's just cranking these things out.