Hot Toys - MMS 295 - A New Hope: Sandtrooper 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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I really am not trying to be argumentative, but I just can't let somethings go, obviously. LOL

If you're just doing a review about your own opinion, that's one thing, but if you're doing a review to compare it to another, then the comparison should be accurate. You said that there was virtually no difference between the helmets, but there are indeed very significant and very real differences between the two. I could probably use 100 words explaining all of the differences that are very obvious to the eye. You also said that there was no difference between armor, but there are substantial differences between the armor that are not at all superficial.

It's a little bit like someone who doesn't know anything about automobiles going in to the Porsche shop and saying there's not much difference between the Porsche and the Volkswagen. LOL

When I started collecting just a few years ago I really valued accurate reviews, because they taught me a lot. Your review is not accurate at all and quite misleading. Your review could potentially cause someone to miss out on something today and have to pay a much higher price down the road. Or you could cause somebody who doesn't know much about Stormtroopers, at the moment, to buy the wrong figure and then have to rebuy other figures because it's not what they actually wanted.

Again, I'm sure there are people out there who can't immediately see the differences either. Perhaps to them this review is helpful, but it doesn't change your review from being inaccurate.

I guess I just can't understand why anyone would do a review comparing two things they know little about and then attempt to advise them on what they should or shouldn't buy.
Had no idea that circle mark is accurate lol!!

Yeah, Hot Toys really did a fantastic job making this singular SandTrooper to the likeness of one specific Sandtrooper, the "move along" Sandtrooper, Squad Leader:


The length of the tube on the back on the HT is accurate as well. The smaller tube on the SS Deluxe was short so he could sit on the Dewback.
Over a week after paying SS has finally shipped my Sandtooper. :blissy

Oh wait, no they haven't. They just created a UPS label. If my Farmboy Luke is anything to go by, then it's another week until it actually ships. :gah:
Over a week after paying SS has finally shipped my Sandtooper. :blissy

Oh wait, no they haven't. They just created a UPS label. If my Farmboy Luke is anything to go by, then it's another week until it actually ships. :gah:

The Force is weak with your delivery. :(

Mine was down for the 21st; moved forward to the 18th; put back to the 21st, and now has no day because it's showing 'Exception', which is what all the orders do after stating that customs have to be paid.

Still, I wish all deliveries were coming from HK...unlike the HT ANH Vader. :gah:
Over a week after paying SS has finally shipped my Sandtooper. :blissy

Oh wait, no they haven't. They just created a UPS label. If my Farmboy Luke is anything to go by, then it's another week until it actually ships. :gah:

Strange that you're in Oz and didnt get it this week. I know quite a few others that got theirs also this week. I guess maybe they just split it into separate shipments to Australia.
SS is probably taking a close look at him given your recent QC issues. I'm sure they want to give the jump suit a nice tear somewhere and scuff up the helmet for you before it ships.

Probably. :lol

(Luke's replacement suit to replace the replacement is due to arrive Christmas Eve).
I'm sure this review is very helpful and informative for a lot of people. That said, there is so much information available on the net to inform you of the many differences between the packs and head sculpt.

Also, the armor is not the same, at all. HT armor is vastly superior in likeness to sandtroopers in the movie than the SS. You can look at the top of the armor on the legs as an example. The HT armor is almost an exact likeness to the Marmit armor. The HT Sandtrooper almost makes a mockery of the SS Sandtrooper. So to anyone who is looking to make a serious choice between one and the other your review is counter productive to that end.

You probably would have been better off not comparing the two...and you definitely should not be telling people not to swap out their SS version for the HT version just yet. This is the best and most accurate Sandtrooper to hit the market in 1/6th scale ever. To any true collector of film accurate figures you offered really bad advice there.

The circle sticker on the pauldron is movie accurate. On that particular trooper (and this figure is specific to one Sandtrooper in the movie) he had a sticker residue on his pauldron. So that was purposeful.

Thanks for the review though.

I really am not trying to be argumentative, but I just can't let somethings go, obviously. LOL

If you're just doing a review about your own opinion, that's one thing, but if you're doing a review to compare it to another, then the comparison should be accurate. You said that there was virtually no difference between the helmets, but there are indeed very significant and very real differences between the two. I could probably use 100 words explaining all of the differences that are very obvious to the eye. You also said that there was no difference between armor, but there are substantial differences between the armor that are not at all superficial.

It's a little bit like someone who doesn't know anything about automobiles going in to the Porsche shop and saying there's not much difference between the Porsche and the Volkswagen. LOL

When I started collecting just a few years ago I really valued accurate reviews, because they taught me a lot. Your review is not accurate at all and quite misleading. Your review could potentially cause someone to miss out on something today and have to pay a much higher price down the road. Or you could cause somebody who doesn't know much about Stormtroopers, at the moment, to buy the wrong figure and then have to rebuy other figures because it's not what they actually wanted.

Again, I'm sure there are people out there who can't immediately see the differences either. Perhaps to them this review is helpful, but it doesn't change your review from being inaccurate.

I guess I just can't understand why anyone would do a review comparing two things they know little about and then attempt to advise them on what they should or shouldn't buy.

:exactly: ^ Agreed

I think I state how awesome the new HT version is numerous times in my review lol. Also in my summary at the end of the review, I say:

- "It's worth getting if you're a fan of the original trilogy"

- "It's probably best to get it if you don't have the Sideshow version"

- "Definitely don't get rid of your Sideshow ones if you have them"

I did a comparison to point out the differences in the figures, not to compare which is screen accurate to the most minute details. I'm not that pedantic a collector, and my reviews are not to that level of detail lol. To me, if it looks how I remember in the movie without any glaring issues, then I'm mostly happy.

I heard complaints from some collectors regarding the Biker Scout for example, but I think it's one of their best trooper figures for sure! So as always, liking a figure, new or old, is subjective.

I think telling people to rush out and replace all their Sideshow figures with the Hot Toys figure is overstating how good this new Sandtrooper is! It's great for sure, but most collectors I think are happy to keep their existing figures and get the new one to add to it rather than replace.

Sorry man, I like your reviews, but this one is NOT one of your best. It's better not talk about accuracy things when you don't know them. Look at Michael Crawford, he doesn't talks about things he doesn't know about, and thus his reviews are among the best out there. The SSC Scout is not one of their best either accuracy wise.
:exactly: ^ Agreed

Sorry man, I like your reviews, but this one is NOT one of your best. It's better not talk about accuracy things when you don't know them. Look at Michael Crawford, he doesn't talks about things he doesn't know about, and thus his reviews are among the best out there. The SSC Scout is not one of their best either accuracy wise.

Strange, because I never once mentioned that I was comparing them against screen accuracy. I was comparing them against each other, although with the backpack I do state that the movie seemed to have variants all over the place. I think most of my review was spent comparing the difference between the actual figures, not stating which one was more screen accurate than the other.

And funny you should mention Mike Crawford! I was discussing Mike's review with Solo_bones above on my Facebook page, and quoted Mike's closing statement. I've quoted it here too:

"With some of the Hot Toys OT Star Wars releases, the important question is whether or not the figure is good enough to justify spending $200+ to replace the already very nice Sideshow release. With the Sandtrooper, that's not quite the case. Because of the orange pauldron, it depends on which Sideshow Sandtrooper you have. The deluxe included the gray or white pauldron, and the Corporal came with the black, making this orange one different enough to justify. However, if you also picked up the Sideshow Squad Leader, you'll already have a very similar Sandtrooper."

It seems his opinion is very similar to mine is it not? Solo_bones indicated that Mike included a disclaimer "I'm certainly no expert on the intricacies of the Trooper helmet and armor..."

LOL perhaps I should've stated that upfront. But again, I wasnt comparing them for screen accuracy, I was comparing them against each other. To me, I don't tend to compare my figures on the minute level to the screen because there are always inevitable differences. But if the figure overall looks the way I remember without any glaring issues, I'm pretty happy with it.

I never said for people not to buy the new HT version. I simply stated that there was no need to get rid of their old Sideshow versions and replace them all with Hot Toys versions.
I'm sure its been discussed, but is the black band across the brow molded into the helmet or pinned and glued? I'm sure I'll be getting this figure, and I know that detail is accurate to a specific scene, but I'm hoping there is a mod option to straighten that piece (without having to buy another trooper and/or helmet).
Strange, because I never once mentioned that I was comparing them against screen accuracy. I was comparing them against each other, although with the backpack I do state that the movie seemed to have variants all over the place. I think most of my review was spent comparing the difference between the actual figures, not stating which one was more screen accurate than the other.

And funny you should mention Mike Crawford! I was discussing Mike's review with Solo_bones above on my Facebook page, and quoted Mike's closing statement. I've quoted it here too:

"With some of the Hot Toys OT Star Wars releases, the important question is whether or not the figure is good enough to justify spending $200+ to replace the already very nice Sideshow release. With the Sandtrooper, that's not quite the case. Because of the orange pauldron, it depends on which Sideshow Sandtrooper you have. The deluxe included the gray or white pauldron, and the Corporal came with the black, making this orange one different enough to justify. However, if you also picked up the Sideshow Squad Leader, you'll already have a very similar Sandtrooper."

It seems his opinion is very similar to mine is it not? Solo_bones indicated that Mike included a disclaimer "I'm certainly no expert on the intricacies of the Trooper helmet and armor..."

LOL perhaps I should've stated that upfront. But again, I wasnt comparing them for screen accuracy, I was comparing them against each other. To me, I don't tend to compare my figures on the minute level to the screen because there are always inevitable differences. But if the figure overall looks the way I remember without any glaring issues, I'm pretty happy with it.

I never said for people not to buy the new HT version. I simply stated that there was no need to get rid of their old Sideshow versions and replace them all with Hot Toys versions.

Not sure if this was posted before our back and forth on FB, but let's back up for a moment.

First, there was some good information in this review, specific to accessories and guns. Some minor nits could be picked (like the larger light repeating blaster T-21 being smaller and not accurate), but it's not a big deal because most people don't care about that sort of thing. Personally, I upgraded my blaster and customized it to look properly proportioned and accurate to the gun used in the film.

That being said, you used the words "film and movie accurate" 4 times in this review, which suggests you're comparing for film accuracy. So there's inconsistencies in that regard. So please don't take it personally or as a criticism of you. This is a strict criticism of your review and your words.

You specifically said not to replace your SS troopers and buy this, if you had them, as there was not a huge upgrade and that if they had SS troopers that they held up (that's not true). You stated clearly that there was no real difference in the helmet and armor. This is critically incorrect. The truth is this HT figure is vastly superior and a MASSIVE upgrade. So please stop overlooking this commentary.

Again, not a slight against you, you didn't know these things and so it's an opportunity to learn. I reccommend doing some research before doing a review/comparison, because you really shouldn't advise on what to buy, or not based on limited knowledge.

I personally feel it's of critical importance to acknowledge Hot Toys achievement and effort put on this figure. It's not perfect, but it's superb. This is literally the first figure I haven't had to improve for more accuracy or improved weathering. It's exterior done, looks like a guy in a suit and is vastly improved on the film accuracy aspect.

No offense, not meaning to pick on all. I just think it's important to recognize Hot Toys work. I would encourage and highly advise people to sell their SS if they need the money to upgrade. I have my 3rd figure coming in Jan.

:exactly: ^ Agreed

Sorry man, I like your reviews, but this one is NOT one of your best. It's better not talk about accuracy things when you don't know them. Look at Michael Crawford, he doesn't talks about things he doesn't know about, and thus his reviews are among the best out there. The SSC Scout is not one of their best either accuracy wise.

Well said, brother. Again, not to pick on the reviewer, we're just pointing out there is a lot to be said positively about this figure, especially when compared to Sideshow's, even though it's not perfect.
You're obviously a detail person, so you actually made me go back and rewatch my own review because I struggled to remember when and what I referenced about movie accuracy! From what I can see, I reference the green lenses being perhaps more accurate, and the backpacks having many variants in the movie screenshots I've seen.

So I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I've even gone back and messed around with the figure again, and I stand by my opinion that the HT Sandtrooper is an upgrade, but not so huge that people need to start replacing their Sideshow collections. The HT figure is nice, and I commend it often throughout the review. But for me and the majority of collectors I know, they're perfectly happy with their Sideshow Sandtroopers and plan to get Hot Toys' version just to add to the collection, not replace it.

I guess it's going to come down to really how detailed you want to be. But I am seriously looking at the two helmets again right now and I am struggling to see the massive differences that you're talking about! In my review I think I point about maybe one or two of the differences, but to my eyes I just cannot see the huge improvements you speak of! In fact, I know many collectors who have the previous Sideshow Stormtrooper, and upon getting the new Hot Toys Stormtrooper wonder why they even bothered with the new one since they don't think it's a massive upgrade at all.

So again, as I summarise at the end of my review and to use your car analogy before, if you dont have this years model then definitely get the new one. But if you have the previous model, sure the new one is an upgrade but not so much that you need to rush out and get it now to replace your old one. But by all means buy a new one (for your wife) if you want to add another car to your garage.
Oh, and this is probably off topic, but going back to your comment somewhere on how Sideshow and Hot Toys use Big Data and analytics to gather collector feedback? I find that hard to believe to be honest. We'll just take some examples for Sideshow alone.

- I wonder what Sideshow ever did when so many collectors indicated that their Xwing Pilot Luke was grossly over-priced for what was included in comparison to the cheaper HT Tatooine Luke.

- What about all the complaints on Sideshow head sculpt paint applications that are simply too dark, too flat, and not up to the HT standards at this price point?

- What about HT and the requests for figures that they have teased eg. 1966 Batmobile, completion of the Sucker Punch team, Drax, Batman Returns Penguin and Catwoman. I almost get tired of collectors posting these requests in HT threads on the HT facebook page that HT seeminly ignores unless adding promotional photos.

- What about the upcoming Sideshow Darth Maul that many thought would be the definitive figure, but does not even come with an alternate head sculpt or a robe of all things! Shouldnt all the data that they gather highlight that many collectors think the release is ridiculous and make them do something about it?

I'm sorry but in this 1/6th hobby, I cant recall a single instance where big companies like Sideshow or Hot Toys have ever done anything different based on customer feedback. Perhaps the only thing they're interested in is their bottom line. Perhaps you think I should tell people to definitely rush out and replace their collections with HT so that they see an increase to their bottom line? For this particular figure, I wouldn't recommend that at all.
I have seen HT change product. Whether or not it was due to collector opinion is a mystery and will likely remain so.

I don't have time to join the discussion on product comparison in detail, but focusing for a moment on only the helmet, which is arguably the most critical part of the character representation -- the differences are quite obvious and become glaringly so with even a casual comparison to screen-grabs.

If you're a casual fan you may not care; but if you're spending 1/6 money in the first place, chances are you do, so if you care about the character, the HT (in this case) simply outclasses the SSC in all areas except accessories.

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If you're a casual fan you may not care; but if you're spending 1/6 money in the first place, chances are you do, so if you care about the character, the HT (in this case) simply outclasses the SSC in all areas except accessories.

I've got the original 3 Sideshow Sand Troopers and don't plan to replace them with Hot Toys versions. I recognize that the figure is more accurate in places than the sideshow version but the upgrade in detailing and quality is certainly not as large as say, Hasbro to Sideshow. It's as KoolKollectibleskhai has mentioned - the difference (in this case) is not worth it to me, especially if we are talking mostly about the helmet. I suppose that makes me a "casual fan", which is fine by me. I did see the need to upgrade the Tatooine Luke and Princess Leia figures. I also picked up the Hot Toys Ben and will replacing some parts with the superior Sideshow parts. Does that put me back in the "Serious Fan" camp? I don't know...

The fact is that HT's Sandtrooper is not only far more dimensionally accurate, but the fit and finish of the helmet and armor are light years ahead of Sideshow's troopers. The SS troopers' helmets and armor pieces are full of mold parting lines and part seams all of which are concealed on the HT versions. The paint is much cleaner and better applied as is the weathering. SS's odd pixelated weathering is generally atrocious, and represents nothing seen on-screen

I wholly agree that prior to HTs storm/sandtrooper releases, the SS versions stood alone in terms of a high-end collectible but it seems to me that HT has completely rendered SS's versions to the second tier.